[@thewizardguy][@SanaChan] "It's Eilidh. Ay-lee," Eilidh muttered, before starting to head to the staircase. "Oh, and Emily. I tried to warn you, but you're going to have to learn that this is how things work at school. Here, the teachers are the law, and when you do things they don't like, there are consequences not even you can ignore. This time you almost got me in trouble too. I'll be in my room, if there's anything you want to say." she said, clearly implying that she expected some kind of apology later. This was going pretty badly so far, thought Eilidh. She was almost late, practically assigned to be some kind of role model even though she didn't want to be, and almost got dragged into trouble. Hopefully things will start picking up once the lessons actually start, unless Gym was first. Public humiliation's probably the one box that hadn't been ticked on 'bad first day' bingo, and Eilidh was far too cumbersome and unwieldy for anything requiring coordination or agility. If it did have to be Gym, please let it be running fast in a straight line. She stopped at the top of the stairs. Oh right. She actually has to get down normally now. She'd forgotten about that. With a sigh, she started descending, being far more careful on the way down than on the way up because now all the weight was at the front, pointing down, and the back was raised. One mistake and she'd tip. Keeping a tight grip on the rail, she continues down the stairwell one step at at time, until she finally makes it to the bottom. She then heads straight back to her room. Some features were starting to make sense now. The bed being plastic and rubber rather than wood or metal and the extra security on the window were because of Emily. Eilidh moved her sleeping mat a little closer to the wall. She didn't know if Emily emits electricity in her sleep, but she'd rather not find out. The bathroom, however, everything there seemed to be for Eilidh's benefit. The mirror by the sink was ceiling high, the toilet was very large and very low down. Instead of a shower cubicle, there was a deep bath with a shower fitted, and a collection of long handled scrubbers and brushes, even though Eilidh had also brought her own. It was actually kind of touching that the school had gone to all this effort for her. She was going to try harder from now on not to let them down.