This is a very basic interest check simply feeling out how many people would join a roleplay that cast them as dragons.
I know very little about dragons so dont expect me to know any races or species of dragons we would most likely re-create our own dragons (and drakes or wyverns however with them being smaller cousins it would make your character inferior to any dragon characters).
If you are interested (keep in mind this is not the start of an RP unless someone else can GM or until I find the time to run two roleplays) simply leave a "bump" or "interested" nothing more please.
I put romance in there as a possibility. Not a guarantee and If I decide not to put any in don't be alarmed.
I know very little about dragons so dont expect me to know any races or species of dragons we would most likely re-create our own dragons (and drakes or wyverns however with them being smaller cousins it would make your character inferior to any dragon characters).
If you are interested (keep in mind this is not the start of an RP unless someone else can GM or until I find the time to run two roleplays) simply leave a "bump" or "interested" nothing more please.
I put romance in there as a possibility. Not a guarantee and If I decide not to put any in don't be alarmed.