[hider=Katsuro Takuma] [b]Name[/b]: Katsuro Takuma [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Appearance] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cd/53/e3/cd53e37f561cbef728fb3c34b3f1c03a.jpg [/img] [/hider] [b]Arcana[/b]: Justice [b]Personality[/b]: Katsuro is...quiet. Really quiet. He can go entire days without saying a single word out loud and, obviously, this hasnt earned him any friends. This is partially due to shyness and fear of getting hurt, but mostly because he does not understand many of the things that normal people do. He has a completely logical outlook towards any situation, and often has a bad habit of expecting everyone else to act the same way, which can lead to him getting extremely angry and frustrated at everyone around him. Despite this, he will never run from a fight or confrontation, and will also show absolutely no quarter if someone innocent is being hurt. This can range from a fight with his persona, to a simple attempted mugging. This complex stems from his desire to prevent anything like his...accident, from happening again. [b]Equipment/Skills[/b]: As far as weaponry goes, he doesn't carry anything, although he knows basic self defense skills. He is quite unfit though, so don't expect him to beat down much tougher opponents. He is also very gifted academically, thanks to all the tutors he was taught by in his youth. He is also capable of thinking up complex plans and tactics in a fight, if he needs to. Unfortunately, his dislike for staying out of a fight can lead to him being in the thick of the action, when he would be much better suited on the sidelines making plans and helping the others. As far as armor goes, he usually wears a school uniform in school and a orange hood out of it, mostly to hide his damaged face. He also quite likes wearing suits, although he hates it when they get dirty. In any outfit, he wears a white patch over his missing eye. [b]Background[/b]: Katsuro was born to a high up executive of an extremely large property development company in Tokyo. His father divorced his mother shortly after he was born, and, after a while, Katsuro found out why. His mother was extremely domineering and emotionally abusive, treating her son like a glorified pet, forcing him to dress, act and even speak exactly how she wanted at all times. He grew up with tutors and never knew the company of other children, save only the children of the other company executives, which he met every now and then at gatherings. She wanted him to follow in her footsteps in business and drilled into his head that he needed to be pragmatic with dealing with other people, being careful never to rely on anyone too much and seeing opportunities wherever he could. This, coupled with his education, wealth and (he thought) good looks, caused a feeling of superiority over others. When he was fourteen, he went with his mother to a building in the middle of construction. Despite his fear of her, he was able to slip away and decided to take a look around. After all, he would have to know about stuff like this. As this happened, a fire broke out on the second floor and the executives nearby were all evacuated. Katsuro didn't notice this until it was too late, and the fire lit a gas tank, causing an explosion that knocked him out. He woke up two months later in a hospital bed. The explosion and fire had damaged several of his fingers, burned part of his face and most of his torso permanently and, worst of all, a splinter had taken out his left eye. This pushed his already fragile mental state over the edge, and he completely closed himself to the world. Soon, the truth came out. The company had been losing a great deal of money in bad deals lately and several of the executives had been getting nervous. Therefore, his mother and a few others had paid some criminals to set fire to the building in order to claim insurance. Unfortunately for them, the police began to get suspicious and several of the plotters were arrested. Katsuro was still in the hospital when this happened, but it couldn't have been more welcome. This news was all he needed to get out of his depression, and he announced that he would be testifying against his mother and the other executives. After a long and fairly sensational trial, they were sent to prison for twelve years apiece. Katsuro found himself moved between relatives, including his father (whom Katsuro ended their relationship before it even started again by breaking his nose), until, finally, he was taken in by a cousin on his father's side in Warakuma. ___________ [b]Persona[/b]: Giles Corey (Seen in the 1953 play "The Crucible", based on a real life figure of the same name.) [b]Appearance[/b]: [url]http://imgur.com/eP1AVtJ[/url] [b]Abilities[/b]: Ragnarok Mind Charge Heat Riser Debilitate [/hider]