[@SanaChan] Ivo listened as Henri started talking about the saying the same things he had heard from Ryoshi only a little over fifteen minutes ago. While everyone kept talking about how he shouldn't be ashamed, Ivo still couldn't shake this feeling that had been plaguing him for the past at least twelve years. But it seemed while Ivo didn't have any person or supplies to help him to better his shifting, Henri did and would hopefully be a valuable resource for him to be able to achieve a full human form. Ivo fingered his tail as he picked the bed the Unicorn wasn't using and placed started opening his bag up. The topic Henri had started up, was not as cordial as he may have thought, [b][color=silver]"My- Um... Parents wanted to be able to stay with some of our relatives in society and the like and I can't do that so... Here I am."[/color][/b] The boy started unpacking his t-shirts and clothing into a nearby dresser.