Max happily stepped off the boat. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he pulled out one of his Pokeballs, and sent out a Pokemon. In a flash of light, Belle, his Togetic, appeared. She was thrilled to be out of that small space. "Toge toge tiiic!" The Happiness Pokemon exclaimed. The boy smiled, and patted his Pokemon's head. "Hey Belle! I know you don't like being in there, but the ferry wouldn't let us have any Pokemon out. I don't get why, it's not like you're gonna hurt anybody. Haha!" The boy chuckled as he walked towards the school. "Well, you're free now!" Both human and Pokemon had big smiles on their faces as they looked up at the Academy Building. The place was filling up with students and their Pokemon. Max smiled, and waved hello to some of the people he passed by, but a lot of them didn't seem to acknowledge him. "Well, this is gonna be our new home for a while. Wow, it's bigger than I thought!" He pulled out a folded up piece of paper from his pocket, unfolded it, and read the contents. For a moment, his smiling mouth turned into a frown... "Dang... we have a class already? We just got here!" Then the boy shrugged his shoulders, and his usual smile returned. There was no point in being negative on the first day of school. "Oh, well. Let's look on the bright side. At least I'll get to meet some of the other kids!" So with that, he walked towards the directions written on the paper. "I just hope they don't mind you being part of the class!" Belle nodded in agreement. "Togetic!"