[@PrideRock] While your sheet does look good, I have to comment on something about the emissary part. Since she is hot-tempered and harsh-spoken, this should mean that she isn't a very good emissary other than being a good negotiator. Is that correct? Also, humans JUST arrived at Athea... which means nothing is known about them. ^^ [@Yuuta] Interesting character personality, although a bit short, which isn't a problem. The history is pretty nice, short and sweet and to the point. However, like I said before, humans JUST arrived on the continent which means dragons know little to nothing about humans and vice versa. [@Vashonn] Nothing much is known about Teron other than being quiet and reserved... what is his [i]interior[/i] personality like? Is he a sweetie pie, or is he a dick? He can be basically everything with that personality cause he literally doesn't interact with many people. What exactly are traitor dragons? Are they dragons that murdered their own House members or simply switched sides? Other than that, Teron's sheet is okay. Now... first of all, Lucille's appearance is too "cute"; it's one of the types of pictures I didn't ask for (pics that have big eyes, too "kawaii", etc) so I would ask you to please change the picture. Lucille's personality is interesting. ^^ [@Herald] I like this character-- he's basically the typical "sneaky, silver-tongued guy" that is present in a lot of RPs. Not that it's a bad thing! Here's one thing though; you wrote: "He has traveled to many of the cities in the Nocturne-controlled territory, making friends among the merchant class as well as the “scum of society”. Dragons don't have cities. It states it in the OP: [i]Even though there are specific Houses that almost all dragons classify themselves under, all dragons under one House do not live together. Instead, they live in small groups, or even alone, scattered throughout the territory. Only nobles live together, sometimes bringing in their most trusted men or women to live in their group. However, such groups do not reach more than a population or five or six, unless families are large. Even then, there are usually squabbles over small patches of territory. Dragons only come together in larger groups when they have to work together for a cause.[/i] So yeah, it would be better if he encountered little "mini-tribes" or even nomadic groups of dragons rather than full blown cities. ^^ [@Emu] Interesting character as well... but a commander of troops in early 20s is way too early. Maybe make it that she was 25? [@Hazard Bits] He's cute. Accepted!