[@thewizardguy] Amelia actually rolled her eyes at Emily's outburst this time before walls of ice formed around them, using the moisture in the air to for. The stretched and secured Emily's arms and legs in place and Amelia snapped the bracelet on without her consent and the ward to keep it in place flashed, "You are young, Emily. You don't know anything about how this world works and the true monsters that roam it. Humans are more dangerous and more capable than any being that walks these halls. It's humans that create mass weapons of destruction over minor insults to prove that they are the bigger power in this world," she shook her head, "I have been around long enough to know that just because you don't see the evil, it doesn't meant it doesn't exist. I would like for you to continue to live with that cocky arrogance of yours, that spirit. That's why I do what I do, that's why I'm not leaving it up to you whether or not you're wearing that bangle, because I will keep you safe with or without your consent, Emily. That is my job, because I won't let anyone else get hurt because they don't believe that there's something out there that can touch them," she said before the ice faded away, Amelia's eyes looking miles away. She put her hand on Emily's head, "Go on. There's a party to be had tonight, and no," she smirked, "I, and my 500 year sense of fashion, did not plan it. A senior did, one who reminds me a lot of you," she removed her hand before starting back inside, tucking those memories of the past away. It certainly didn't feel like it was history, not without how fresh the sense of terror was whenever she thought of the monsters that hunted them down for no other reason that they weren't regular humans. Yes, she might have been forceful, but she couldn't bear the thought of Eily getting herself hurt. [@Silver Carrot] "I'm from around the Statford area, I think, though I'm only recently up to date with technical stuff. The closest actual town to me was a tourist trap, the birth place of some famous writer or something," Tania waved her hands, but she stiffened as Amelia came down and exited the dormitory, not seeming to acknowledge any of the students she passed, her brows drawn down in concentration, "Yeesh," Tania shuddered once she was gone, "Anyways, I don't know how swell Emily I will get along considering our personalities are like two northern ends of a magnet trying to get close," she scoffed a little, shaking her head before hearing some of the girls nearby gushing about what they were going to wear to the get together the school was holding for the new year, "Huh," Tania went down and got one of the fliers before coming back, "Looks legit," she said, showing the flier to Eilidh, "They even like hired a DJ and caterers, though apparently Amelia made sure those with special needs would have food available for them too. Maybe it won't be such a boring year after all," she smirked a little. [@AimeChambers] While waiting for a response to his question, he heard people out in the hall, their door left open. Some guys were passing, carrying the same flier the girls were seeing, though one of the guys stopped outside the door and Henri bristled, sensing what he was- almost smelling the sulfuric, burnt smell that came from fire dragons, "What do you want, Ryu?" he knew this jock from the ride up to the school. Ryu grinned mercilessly, "Well, well, pony boy found a friend, eh? Or is this little welp your roommie? 'Spose it fits," he chuckled, looking Ivo over and deciding there wasn't a threat to be had in the wolf boy, "Can't wait to see what spectacular garbs you got for the party," he waved the flier before balling it and throwing it at Henri, laughing as he started down the hall, "A wolf and a horse, how hysterical!" he howled. "Yea, joke of the year," Henri rolled his eyes before picking up the flier and smoothing it out, looking it over, "Well, do you feel like going and seeing what the seniors at this school idea of a good time is?" he asked Ivo.