[center][b][i]Ender; The Huntsman[/i][/b][/center] [b]The Northern Kingdoms, FairyTale World[/b] The sound of Ender crashing through the thick snow was only punctuated by the howling of pursuing dogs. Damn they were closer now. It took every part of him not to panic as he dragged himself through the white covered forest at a faster pace. How could he have been so stupid. It was reckless for him to provide the resistance so many weapons. Medicine and food didn't turn these people into a threat to the Enchantress, so why should she care about his side endeavors to put more gold in his pockets. Ender turned to look over his shoulder. A lifetime of living in the wilderness had honed his sight, letting him spot the flicker of guardsmen armor a half a mile through the trees. The dogs were even closer. At this rate the mutes would be on him in ten minutes unless Ender could find a way to put some distance between them. Up ahead he could hear the gurgling of water. It had to be White River, so named because of the churning whiteness caused by all the rocks. It was a dangerous river to attempt to cross. Normally he would travel the five miles up stream to cross the bridge. But he didn't have the luxury today. Ender came crashing through the underbrush, nearly tripping over the sudden drop into the river below. Looking at the violent water he suddenly doubted the promise of escape this offered. The howls of the dogs behind him drew Enders attention once more. [i]hmm...be torn apart by the dogs or riped to shreds by sharp rocks below.[/i] Such a hard choice with no pay off. Exactly the kind of choices he avoided like that plague. "Oh damn it to the nine hells." With a last bit of courage Ender pushed himself forward, falling through the air into the water below. The water felt like stone as Ender impacted with it, the cold sending a shock through his body. He was immediately pulled under as the current swept him away. The Huntsman gave a strong kick, barely breaking his head above the surface. His lungs gasped for precious air as the water swirled around him. A sharp pain blossomed across his back as he was slammed into a rock, followed by several more that left his ribs bruised and a deep gash across his forehead. Years of honed survival instincts kicked in, pushing Ender to fight for every inch. He swam harder for the opposite shore, catching gleams of it periodically. After what felt like an eternity he felt solid ground under his feet. Ender threw himself onto the shore, his lungs burning from the exertion. In the calm between breaths Ender heard nothing over the roar of the water. It would be hours before his pursuers found a place to cross. The Huntsman tried to pull himself up to escape but collapsed from the pain shooting through his side. It once again knocked the breath from him, leaving Ender gasping again. If he couldn't put some distance between him and the river the two hour lead would mean nothing. The young man began to gingerly pull himself up again when he saw a gleam of gold in the mud of the river bank. Dragging himself over it Ender dug through the dirt, removing a small pendant. Ender turned it around in his fingers, wiping away the mud to reveal strange runes. Looking back across the river pulled Ender from admiring the object. He palmed it as he pulled himself back to his feet, wincing as more pain shot through him. The last thought he had before seeing the bright light was getting somewhere where the Enchantresses' men could not find him. After that it was just a rushing wind and whiteness.. [center][b][i]Alice Liddle of Wonderland[/i][/b][/center] "Snicker-snack. Oh snicker-snack sang the blade. How I love it when my dear Vorpal blade sings its sweet tune." Alice Liddle stopped her dance around the room, leaning over the male figure bond to a chair. She ran the blade across his face, leaving a thin red line. The twisted gleam of her eyes were reflected back in the fear stricken stare of the man. She loved that look. It just sent shivers down her spine. If she could she would look into that fear all day. But even for someone who sowed madness for madnesses' sake there was still a job to do. "For so long, years and years infact, my mistress has been searching for those missing royals. But damn it to hell, she just can not find them. This has made her very mad. But it is not her wrath you should fear. See, she isn't hear. No matter how much she rants and raves she cannot hurt you from afar. What you should fear is this." Alice once again held up the Vorpal Blade for the man to see. "I stole her from the Queen of Hearts. Isn't she beautiful. I call her GiGi. You see, GiGi would really like to taste some royal blood. And you keep her from that...well you see that just pisses her off." Alice twisted the blade in her hand until it pointed down and thrusted it into the bound man's leg. He screamed through the pain, his face a tear soaked red. "When deprived of her greatest desires GiGi tends to get a little stab happy. But if you tell us where our missing royals are I'm sure she would be more than happy to end your suffer."