It all happened so fast. In the beginning the Huntsman was surrounded by native forests, than there was a flash of light and then he was flying through the air. A scream escaped his lips and the snow covered grown ground quickly approached. Just as he began to reflectively curl into a ball he noticed someone with a mass of blonde air carrying a broad step into his way. Ender cringed from the expected impact as he gave one final yell of warning. The first thing he felt was his head colliding with the board the girl carried, the sound of it cracking echoing in his head. The girl must have spun with the impact cause he felt a heavy mass hit his side with the possibly broken ribs. This made a whole new shock of pain course through his body. The only one saving grace was the think layer of snow that covered the ground. It acted as a cushion to stop him before cracking his head against the frozen ground. Ender had no idea how long he'd been out, only that his whole body was on fire with pain. There was no way, with how hurt he was, that he could out run the soldiers now. His life was forfeit. As his father always told him, "Someone out there carries a sword for you. The trick is to die of old age before he finds you". Ender guest his luck has finally run out. It was then that he remember the girl he hit. With the little strength he had remaining Ender managed to turn himself on his side and say through tired and raw lips. "You need to run. Get away from here before they find me again." As the last syllable slipped past his lips the Huntsman passed out again from the pain.