Khinnu took a step back to assess the situation unfolding in front of her. She could see two people fighting alongside herself, one a fiery red head who looked very at home in the heat of battle, the other girl however, looked a lottle uneasy. She could see the lack of battle of experience and decided that this girl was in need of some help. She seemed to be commanding some kind of beast, the look of it matched the description of one of the Aeons of old that her mother used to tell stories of, but she knew that was inpossible as the Aeons had long gone. The beast was powerful but only did as commanded and the girl seemed somewhat awkward to the situation. Khinnu jogged over to her to let her presence be known, she stood in front of the young and raised her weapons reasy for the oncoming enemy. The crabs were swarming the boat and needed to be taken care of, Khinnu lined up a shot and took it, watching as the round pass through the carapace before lodging itself somewhere within the creature, which was blown back slightly by the force, it scampered about for a few moments but then presses in once again. "Hmm, tougher than I thought" she said mainly to herself. She drew up her other pistol and let off a volley of rounds which stopped the crab dead in its tracks. No sooner had the pyreflies left its body before a second and third crab clambered over the remains of their kin. Khinnu lookes over to the girl behind her. "Im gonna need some help, get that thing in all out offence and we'll be fine" she cracked a reassuring smile. The tentacle came back up out of the water ready to strike, khinnu switched to magic shot and readied two fire spells within her guns, she watched and anticipated the trajectory of the incoming tentacle. Looking back at the girl she shouted for her to dive to the left before doing so herself. Upon landing she lined up her pistols and unleashed the fire spells which, as before, seemed to cause the creature a great deal of pain. She stood up and checked on the girl who was still behind her. "You O..." she was broken off as a crab surprise attacked her, tackling her to floor. She began hitting it with the guns but the tough exoskeleton was far to superior and the creature carried on its relentless assault.