[color=yellow][h2][center]Lunalel Lightsword[/center][/h2][/color] [color=yellow]"Shopping?"[/color] Luna had to ask. What would Miss Selvinia here be shopping for? If it were arms or armor Luna knew should be be of assistance. . . Food as well. She could even suggest recipes for that but if it were something like dresses or the sort. . . She wasn't sure she could be too much help. She peeked down at her outfit that in itself a mockery of most of the last vestiges of femininity she would show. [color=yellow]"Hmmm, I suppose I could help. . . For whatever my help is worth on the matter."[/color] She couldn't help but let out an awkward giggle as she scratched her face. [color=red][h2][center]Eith the Shellagh Alpha[/center][/h2][/color] Eith just listened to the rabbit's story. It was likely Myrilla that messed with Meal-Ticket, of that Eith was sure. She had a habit of messing people that got in touch with her daughter. For a slut, she was surprisingly caring about her children. [color=red]"Depressing is relative. I lost the entirety of my pack in a week because of. . . Unforeseen circumstances.[/color] Was about all Eith displayed in reply to that. It was a mostly pointless story. [color=red]"Regardless, I think I know who you're talking about. . . Myrilla? The Slut Demon? Well, that isn't technically true name-wise, but it is true I like to thing. All things considered, I should think you to be lucky not to be some pet she keeps around at a whim."[/color] Eith decided to finally dig into her food, giving the bunny a chance to respond. [color=teal][h2][center]Mugi, the Yuki-Onna[/center][/h2][/color] [color=teal]"Iiiiiitaaaaaiiiiii! Nani shiteru no!? Kono baka!"[/color] Mugi exclaimed after being jabbed in the back. It didn't seem on purpose but it sure hurt like hell! Mugi's eyes tear up slightly. She barely even registered that Cynthia said something, but she assumed the mistake had something to do with what she asked. [color=teal]"That hurts, you know?"[/color] She said, rubbing the spot where she was hit. Mugi never really built up a tolerance for pain. . . [color=teal]"Was the question that surprising? Mou. . ."[/color]