[b]Name:[/b] Tabitha 'Tabby' Sanderson [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Tabby is an average 20 year old girl of average height, average weight and average build. She has short blonde hair and fairly, freckly skin. Once upon a time, she would have been unremarkable, but her face is always frozen in a twisted grin, or some distracted amusement or wonder. The most noticeable thing, however, is the black silk blindfold she wears at all times to cover up the bloodstained dressing that covers what used to be her eyes. It's very hard to discern whether or not she used to be pretty, but the blindfold and the now twisted face have ruined any trace if that was the case. Tabby usually wears clashing clothes, committing crimes against fashion, but whatever she wears is always comfortable and practical in the current weather [b]Biography/History:[/b] Tabitha was the daughter of a Canadian mother and an English father, though they were no longer together, so she always had two homes, one in Winnipeg, and one in Newcastle, and she loved to travel between them, though both these upbringings cancelled out many of each other's traits, and by the time she was in high school, she was friendly but had a very cynical outlook on life. She knew that anything after high school would be a waste of time with the availability of current jobs and wouldn't really help her chances of getting a job she enjoyed. She found work in a supermarket near her dad's house, though during on of her trips to Canada, she met and became romantically involved with a boy there, so she quit her job and recklessly moved. Now much poorer, and currently looking for a job, she spent the next two years practically living off the money from her new boyfriend in return for cooking and looking after his third floor flat. Not exactly the feminist dream, but it was keeping a roof over her head and food in her belly, and she was happy to have a life she didn't mind waking up for, with a man she loved. Then she dreamed a dream worse than the mass nightmare everybody had when she was a little girl. This one was of an indescribably, horrific being telling her a mission but not in words. It gave her the thought, and the thought became a priority. If she had woken up fine, she would have cried in her boyfriend's shoulder about the horror of her nightmare, but when she opened her eyes, there was a worse horror in store for her. The way most people sense and control their body is something they take for granted. With Tabitha, that had now been completely changed. Her body became her senses, and her senses became her body. She could navigate the house just by the feel of wind on her skin and the floor under her feet. She could tell what floor she was on just by the workings of her inner ear; the organ also associated with balance. But she couldn't see the house, or smell the flowers on the windowsill, or hear any of the ambient sounds with her ears, even though she could know where she was going, and feel the sounds of the outside world perfectly fine, including every word of a conversation next door. What were her senses doing? All she could 'hear' was her own heartbeat, her own pulse, and her own digestion. All she could 'see' were her own eyes. She started to chuckle, then she started to laugh, then, as she descended the stairs with an athletic catlike grace she'd never had before, she started to cackle. Taking a knife from the draw, she cut out both of her own eyes, screaming at the pain but feeling immediate relief and even pleasure of feeling her body get to work clotting the blood and beginning to heal the damage. She'd never felt so good before. She immediately left the house, and none of her friends of relatives ever saw her again. [b]Personality:[/b] Tabby's mind is a total enigma, as are many of the things she says. It's a testament to how incomprehensible her mind now is that everything she does and says makes perfect sense to her, yes will often come across as the riddles and ramblings of a giggling, demented witch. Any trace of what kind of person she might have been before the dream is gone now. She doesn't hear voices in her head or see visions, as she cannot see or hear by our definitions anymore, but she can remember the dream. It's the only memory of sight she has left, and she'll always know what it means, that the being from her dream wants her to kill a similar being. She doesn't know it's name, but she'll know it when the time comes. It's her purpose, after all. [b]Power:[/b] Tabby has the power of total body feedback and mastery. She can utilize her body to the fullest of it's potential; enhances senses and reflexes, and full control of her body's movement and flexibility giving her above-average acrobatic prowess. However, despite this, she is still an ordinary 20 year old woman. She is not particularly athletic, nor strong. The downside of this power is that her body controls her mind as much as the other way around. Her heartbeat, her pulse, her digestive system working, they all distract her, and she obsesses over the workings of her body to the point where paying any attention to reality outside herself is of secondary importance. Also, ailments that we wouldn't notice, such as catching a cold and letting our body heal us, become painful battles requiring complete attention and devotion to her. This drawback led to her gouging out her eyes the day she discovered her power, meaning that she is permanently blind.