Aegon considered it for a moment, [color=red] "I see no reason not to. It could catch them off guard, give us even more of an advantage once we hit them. Take point. You're big, you can draw their attention while we maneuver into position. But don't stray too far and don't fire before I throw a flashbang, that'll be the signal to attack." [/color] He left it unsaid that having Ellis in front would give Aegon a clear view of his back should the former Cerberus agent prove to be treacherous. And that even if he wasn't he'd be an excellent bullet sponge, being both durable and expendable. He decided to ignore Vella's borderline infuriating grin. It was clear the Asari still didn't take him seriously. That had to be rectified, and soon, but now wasn't the time. Perhaps she'd save him the trouble and blow herself up during the mission. If not, he had to get her to start acting like a professional. Aegon answered Rykarn's question, [color=red] "You're right. We can't drag that many people along during a firefight. I have binders, but if you get a hold of someone without me there; feel free to get creative. Shoot a kneecap, break a leg, tap them on the head, whatever it takes. Once it's over, some Alliance MPs will help us round up everyone and transport them." [/color] Aegon gave Sicaria a once over, his expression inscrutable. Her record had been good, both parents had been decorated. But she deserted, merc'd up. Abandoned her post, abandoned the cause, and turned criminal. She only came back when the Reapers were ravaging the galaxy. In the Hierarchy the penalty for desertion was demotion at best. In war, it was death. She was lucky the Citadel government and the Empire had bigger concerns than two deserters, but Sicaria and her partner were still technically fugitives. He didn't like deserters much, but he had had to enlist a few for help. He didn't like deserters that had a mouth even more; but this wasn't the military and she could be given a little leeway; as long as she didn't start blowing things up and nearly killing her teammates. Aegon decided to let her behavior slide for now and at least try to be polite, [color=red] "Policy isn't our domain, what the suits do is their business. But from a practical standpoint, it's better to let dissidents talk then try and shut them up. Doing so only gives them more credibility. But once they start picking up arms, then we can take them down. Hence this mission. Now I believe that's all the bases covered. Does anyone else have anything to add? If not, we move out." [/color]