[h2][center][u][color=green]Giles - Operation Katabasis; Assault team.[/color][/u][/center][/h2] Gilvert listened to every word the spectres had to say, including what they said about him being under control or rather controlling the artist; something he had been trying to do for quite some time, with varying results of success and failure. Giles took the time where questions were being asked to look at his teammates, and form some thoughts on them at first glance, one thing he did note pretty quickly was just how small he was in comparison to most here, 5'8 was average height for Drell, their race not being known for their physique or bulk but instead their agility and athleticism - it was almost comical however that he was going to be with the "tanks" massive 7 foot Krogan. The most stand out one was the machine; not the Geth, oddly enough that seemed more human than this Ellis did - ex-Cerberus and the threat of him being indoctrinated still existed made him quite the conundrum of a pick for the Spectres. Gilvert knew himself that mental instability was a curse, you had no idea what your own hands where capable of, but this "man", if you could call him that was clearly a liability, Gilvert had some measured control over himself, and whilst the Artist had his own motivations he never killed teammates, apparently he viewed them as an audience to witness his artistry, although he has on multiple occasions shot at his squad, he's yet to kill someone who is an ally. Hopefully it will stay that way. Otherwise, Gilvert would keep an eye on this one, Cerberus were scum, leaving their group doesn't change that about you. Next was the Asari named Vela, she was... eccentric, nothing like the Asari that he knew himself Dianlya was very calm and had quite a stern demeanour although she loosened up a bit around her friends. Gilvert was quite attracted to Asari, on multiple occasions both he and Dianlya had almost began something, but it was apparent that would be both unprofessional and dangerous, as such they remained good friends. This Asari though didn't really stir anything in him, she wasn't it the least bit like Dianyla and on top of that she was a bit too... hyper, almost as if she had infinite energy, other than that she seem'd okay, maybe in time he could get to know her better. The Batarain was intriguing, Gilvert had met a lot of their kind on Omega and had made several friends and acquaintances, as well as Arias second in command whom he and his former merc band typically spent some nights out with; they were like a hybrid of humanity and Turians in the way they acted, they could be very regimented but needlessly cruel. Batarians have suffered massively because of the war, and they lost their home planet, something Gilvert sympathised with them a lot, this particular Batarain was troubled, and tired by the looks of it, it seemed as if he had lived several lives in one. Inevitably Gilvert was brought from his thoughts and personal evaluations of his teammates when the Spectres began splitting the group up into two teams. Gilvert was to be with the Frontal assault team, comprised of Aegon, Ellis, Rykarn, Skarr, Salissa, Vella, Tiberius and himself - an extremely daunting and powerful combination, 2 Krogan, a mechanised human, a 6'8 Asari... Death was knocking on Cerberus' door. The teams split up with nary a word spoken and Giles along with his tank like team headed down onto the tracks and into the long since abandoned tunnels, although evidence of use was clearly littered all around it, most likely from the war. No words were spoken, and they trotted forward in silence, quick but quiet, like a true and professional squad of commandos. When they did stop it was for roles to be allocated in the assault, Gilvert was assigned as a sniper, to provide cover; something he could do fairly easily, with explosive rounds this rifle of his would not take long to reducer anything in its way to nothing but dust. When they fianlly reached the outpost the team all set up in their positions, Gilvert at the back furthest away and with the greatest vantage point as to allow him the clearest shots possible. He kneeled down behind a piece of debris and drew his rifle, caressing it as he did so, this rifle was special to him, it was one thing both he and the artist shared, they loved this weapon and would care for it like a child. The soft clicks and beeps initiated its withdrawing out of its small and compact state to behold its glory, a massive 60kg weapon... no, cannon that could kill basic infantry with incredible ease. He loaded a lift grenade into his omni-tool and placed an explosive round into his rifle - and peered through his scope down below. A fair number of people, which complicated matters, this rifle could realistically only be fired twice in this firefight. He'd have to make each round count. When they spotted Ellis things got worse, they equipped armour and he seen barriers active, as well as at least 6 turrets being activated, it appeared however that they were indeed fighting remnants of Cerberus. Gilvert smiled, he was happy that this was the case, he could kill these scum with no reservations, and in the most gruesome way possible, for that was what they deserved. Then the firing began, the operation was in full swing and a Flash bang grande detonated -as planned releasing a blinding white light in the tunnel as well as a deafening bang that clattered off the walls and made the noise sound 10x louder; Gilvert had covered the scope for that few moments as to not blind himself but not his poor ears. Gilvert knew that when he fired this rifle, he would be in a lot of pain, as the sound made by this in this tunnel would be [b]far[/b] louder than that grande was. Removing his hand he focused his sight upon one particular Soldier, the angle he was at meant he could get two with a single bullet, as well as damage anything nearby from the ensuing explosive round detonation. Waiting for the perfect moment Giles pulled the trigger and thunder stuck inside the tunnel, the unbearable bang unleashed by the rifle in this tunnel made Giles instinctively cover his already pained ears, the noise was tremendous it was as if someone had just fired a rifle right next to his ear drums, but the bullet landed, square in the soldiers chest ripping through barrier and armour alike, his chest seemed to compact and his armour ruptured open in a mess of blood and viscera as if he had been blown up from the inside- when the bullet exited its occupant it exploded in a mess of gore painting anything in a radius behind his corpse in a crimson red. Then the bullet hit its second target, piercing the shields again and exploding with a massive explosion upon impact, also reducing that body to nothing but bits and pieces of metal, bone and flesh; the explosion would have damaged anything surrounding it, lowering the effectiveness of shields and even possibly destroying them of nearby entities. Giles took a few seconds to gather himself before beginning to load his second shot.