Calwell realized that he had said the wrong thing. Maybe it was a little too much for Chrys to handle. With a gentle hand set on the boy's shoulders, he attempted to calm him down. "Please don't think of a virus like the sense in something like Resident Evil. Something more like... a strain of the flu. A fluid would be the best way to inject something like that. It wasn't ingested, well I assume it wasn't. And, and!" He was dipping back into grave territory. Man, he needed to stop doing that. "Learning how to handle your powers is the main focus of this facility, Chrys. We're equipped to help you all grow and learn to the best of your abilities, and will always be here to patch you up after a hairy situation."

"Take Shawn, for example. Every staff member know's he's an X-Men hopeful. He spends most of his non-school hours training his abilities to push his limits and give himself more control over his element. I've seen him in the wards many times, but he never wants to let up. It's true, after the limiter is removed, there will be slight... fluctuations with yours, but that's like a crack in the wall leaking water suddenly turning into a hole. Your body will adapt, grow, and change accordingly to manage your power the best it can. The other half is being mentally prepared to feel that surge and handle it."


The bike was still warm from use. Whoever owned it had just come in, and was looking over at a set of tool in the far end of the garage. His back was turned to Rosemary. On each arm of his brown, well worn leather jacket were three stripes in a dirty yellow color. 

Despite how far away Rosemary was, and how quiet her voice may have been, the man heard, and turned his head to take a glance at her. "So people know who that bike belongs to." The man's voice was rough and gravely. He gave her the answer and turned fully towards her. In his hands were a few tools and pieces.

This was Logan, the Wolverine. He wasn't a teacher, and he wasn't exactly and X-Men, but almost everyone knew who he was. He popped in from time to time, staying for months or even a full year before disappearing without a word. It was kind of an honor to see him off, though nobody had the fortune of doing that yet. 

Setting the tools down, he took another good look at her. It wasn't a face he remembered, but remembering things was hard these days. Most people in the school knew him, staff or otherwise, so he just assumed that she knew who he was as well. He got to work on his bike, taking a piece off. She was still standing there, or at least he thought she was, so he decided to make the most of her being around. "Who are you? I don't really sign autographs, sorry bub."


"We should rephrase." Emma nodded in hopes of being excused for the mistake. "your unique ability allows you to change object in the real world, correct? If used right, you can change the field of play to assist in the X-Men getting their villain. We would like to ask you to join a team, where you can use your powers to assist your teammate in inventive and interesting ways. I will be with you, guiding you in your mind, and Booker will tell us what they need. What do you say?"