Name: Spencer L. Black Age: 22 Gender: Female Appearance: [img] [/img] Biography/History: Spencer doesn't remember the first sweep of dreams that plagued the world and began this horrible chain of events, because at the time, she was only ten years of age, and a lot of what happened, both in the waking world and that of her dreams, has been obscured by time and flames, and her own stubborn refusal to dig any of it to the surface. The only real solid piece of memory she holds is that of the lingering smell of smoke, like burning tires, thick and smokey, which she often recalled smelling at night before she went to sleep in her childhood home, despite there being no real explanation or source to the smell. Aside from that small detail, the dreams do not affect Spencer while she grows up, only ever coming to the forefront of her thought when she smelt something similar- bonfires, grilling, all of it left a close impression, but nothing as exact as what she remembers. She always supposed that it was because it was just an old memory, probably long faded into obscurity now. Sadly, she was very wrong... Twelve years later, Spencer is attending college in pursuit of a business degree, but still lives with her parents and younger brother out of convenience. Her bedroom sits on the ground floor, unlike everyone else who's slept somewhere upstairs. She would always claim it was for the best, as she was the most capable of chasing out a burglar, having been a devoted kickboxing but since she was 15. She has grown to become a strong and confident young woman, and is intent on not letting anything keep her down. That night she chambles into bed like she might any night, and slowly drifts to sleep, unaware of the obscure, scarring dream that would occur that night, bringing with it the birth of newfound abilities in the form of a destructive curse. In her unconscious, paralyzed state of horror, watching as the horrific images in her dream unraveled and tortured her mind. In the real world, however, she was actually lashing out, and with unconscious effort, began to light herself and her bed on fire. The blaze grew quickly, swallowing the first floor of the house in bright orange long before anyone had noticed the fire. By the time that firefighters and first responders were on the scene, the second story was already alight, and no one sat outside. By the end of the night, it was determined that only one person survived the fire with severe burns, while the rest of her family perished in the heat and smoke. The story hit news the next morning, revealing the survivors identity as Spencer Black, a now orphaned college student who was somehow being accused of starting the fire. Spencer herself woke up in the ICU of the city hospital, feeling dizzy and out of it, and loosely sore and warm. She recalls drifting in and out while nurses and doctors checked on her every once in awhile, or food was given. Mostly, she only remembers the food, and how strangely delicious and energizing it made her feel. She must just have been too tired, she thought then, but recalls feeling much more lively after a couple days of solid meals and rest. The doctors and nurses seemed to note the faster-than-usual pace of her healing as well though, seeming alarmed and confused at first, but didn't push the matter as they were a busy place already, and could always use a free bed sooner rather than later. Spencer ended up checking herself out within the week, receiving ugly green replacement garments from a nurse before leaving, as her previous ones had been burned in the fire, along with her hair, mostly melted, so the had to shave the rest off. As she healed though, it began to feel as though it might grow back, if allowed to. Without a home or family to really go back too, and with the police asking questions about the cause of the fire, Spencer ended up skipping town after collecting what she could from what few friends she had to rely on. It was enough for clothes and food, at least, so she didn't complain. No, instead she would focus on the dream she had had, the one that had caused all of this carnage to occur, hoping to figure out and decode that it had done to her, and what it had all meant. Personality: After the dreams and the death of her parents, events that happened so quickly together, Spencer has become quite clammed up and distant towards others, often seeming lost in her own thoughts or irritated with something. The latter moods often lead her to lashing out at others with harsh comments and sometimes even the occasional flash of fire and sparks. She can be very blunt with how she talks, and filters it all through a general, bitter sarcasm that comes with having seen all that she has. She can't exactly say she's lost her mind, but she certainly isn't so sure of how stable she is after everything thus far. Sometimes she has nightmares of dark caves filled with smoke and flames, echoing with the screams of her family. Sometimes she'll wake up in a bed of cinder and smoke, flames climbing up whatever was closer to her while she slept. The fear of harming others or being harmed herself has left her reeling from people, and often drifting through cities at night, and camping whenever she can. Power: Spencer is able to create, manipulate, and spread fire from thin air, often beginning by sprouting it from somewhere on her body, such as her arms or legs. Her skin is not immune to burning, however, only built to slow the process, so the longer she uses her abilities to create fire, the worse her own burns will be. She has noted that, if she receives treatment quickly enough after fighting and then binges on calorie rich snacks, she ends up healing several times faster than the normal rate of a human, as well as leaving behind no visible scarring or remnants of ever being burned. as if she herself too became a fire that only needed fuel to continue to burn on. Anything else?: Spencer has spent years before the final dreams occurred learning how to kickbox, which has proven to translate very well with her newer abilities, to the point that she sometimes thinks of it as a sick type of fate. She is currently drifting through cities, like a bum, dumpster diving and hunting small animals to survive, and mostly avoids people like the plague unless it'll serve her some purpose to be interested. Theme Song(s): [url][/url] [url][/url]