"[color=0054a6]Artillery. ARTILLERY??!?[/color]" *Screech!* The loud noise of metal being bent and twisted could be heard, as a random pipe imploded on itself right behind Vella when she was given her orders, the Asari's fist for a moment clenched into a murderous ball! The usual unfocused cheer of her face had suddenly been switched with a singular, burning focus as she stared at Aegon with two burning, yellow eyes. If looks could kill, Aegon would by then be very, very dead! [i]"[color=0054a6]I am a dedicated Shock Trooper! A SHOCK Troop! This is just as bad as being put in the back with logistics!!![/color]"[/i] Vella hated the job! She had no objections about artillery in general. If someone had offered her to take part in a concert of a dozen or so city-leveling guns, she would be ecstatic to join. But this was just biotic artillery support, not anywhere near as exciting nor as loud nor as destructive or general mayhem-causing! "[color=0054a6]Yes sir... [/color]" Vella eventually admitted, figuring that trying to reason with a Turian would be like trying to have a conversation with a wall! [i]"[color=0054a6]At least if the vanguard gets wiped out by Cerberus, I might get to save the day![/color]"[/i] Vella thought to herself privately, trying to make the job sound more okay. After all, if she tried hard enough, maybe she could use her biotics to destroy at least a block. Even if that was not the primary mission. Vella trudged along with the party, hiding most of her displeasure by putting on her solid monochrome helmet as she stuck close to Tiberius. At least if there were enemy snipers, the super-tall Tiberius would serve as the sniper magnet! * The fight ensued, a cacophony of gunfire, shouts and voices erupting, amplified by the closed confines of the underground! She had to give credit to Cerberus. Despite the sudden and coordinated ambush, they did not flinch, nor did they panic. Without as much as an exchanged word, their personnel with into a systematic defense, as if they had practiced this a thousand times before they had even arrived. Each of them rushed to their own cover, and immediately began to return fire, displaying an almost mechanical precision in their tactical movement! She saw Salissa charge in like a madwoman, Vella noted. Charging into a team of Cerberus operatives with turrets about to be activated meant that Salissa had already developed full trust and confidence in her team; believing they would have her back; or she was just mad. Personally, Vella leaned more towards the latter possibility... "[color=0054a6]I probably should help deal with the turrets.[/color]" Vella thought as she noticed the turrets, about six of them which were quite heavily armored. They could definitely withstand a lot of punishment, possibly even long enough for them to bring their heavy firepower and computer-perfect targeting system online - something that was a threat, even to the Krogans! The enemy personnel had just become a second-level threat. She knew that if those turrets were allowed to fully activate, there would be casualties on both sides! Salissa was too close for Vella to use her Missile Launcher, and she was not sure if she could put enough shots down range with her Apostle rifle to neutralize the turrets in time before they shredded at least one party member. However, one curious detail Vella noted was the optics on the turrets, located slightly towards the protruding bulge at the top of the turrets. "[color=0072bc]I got an idea...[/color] " Vella suddenly mentioned, throwing Tiberius a fun grin from behind her helmet. Reaching out, Vella used her biotic powers to grab two of the random trash bins and barrels lying about, lifting them up into the air above the battlefield, before she suddenly slammed them down on each of their own turret, causing two of the turrets to suddenly swirl around in confusion, unable to track any targets as their optics were blocked by the barrels! "[color=0072bc]Go for the optics, the armor is too thick![/color]" Vella shouted to Tiberius, realizing that there were still turrets about to come online!