[h2][color=lightblue][u]Alria Vicrinus [/u][/color][/h2][indent][h3][color=lightblue]Location: London Ruins[/color][/h3][/indent] Alria watched as the team began to disperse. The Geth taking the first move to cloak and navigate away, however she couldn't tell where it was going due to her inability to see things that were literally invisible. Regardless, it was safe to assume that it was following it's orders. After all robots were good at that, or were they... Really she had heard of the Geth gaining some sentience and some more from the fall of the Reapers, but at the same time she never really encountered any to know any better. For her it was no different from the LOKIs she was about engage. Speaking of action and engaging though, loud noises and banging could be heard from deeper into the complex which could only mean one thing. The party just got started and it had been awhile since Alria got to dance. That was when she heard the first shots from inside the room she was in. The Batarian had opened fire and swiftly dropped one of the LOKIs that remained in the room. Still waiting for her moment she overheard the Quarian who liked scarves chimed up to say he was moving in. In that very instant Alria was ready and she swiftly turned the corner on the boxes half jogging up to the terminal that the Quarian had in mind, walking wider from around it to give him a clear path, but mostly to give her free rein to deal with the scientists. Taking the advantage of surprise that the Batarian had given her she holstered her pistol and ran for the scientists. They didn't look much like fighters and she was sure not intending to show any mercy. Leaping over the desk she swung a armored boot for the chest of one, using her momentum to give her power and then the scientisst to cancel said momentum by making a strong thud to his body. Committing to her actions she ducked her head and upper body down, swinging her rear wide to sweep her left leg around to strike with a shin sweep. Aiming to capatilize on that strike her body twisted around the opposite way to give her hands a chance to grip the scientist by the collar, using her abs to snap her body straight, yanking the scientist straight to the ground and straddling him before giving him a firm fist to the face to hopefully knock him unconscious. From there Alria swung her leg behind her back, curling her right shoulder to roll right back to her feet from her previously kneeling position. At that stage there was already another scientist within arms reach and Alria wasted no time is lashing out like a bolt of lightning for his throat, chopping it firmly and while he reached up to grab his throat she tucked her body under his hunching frame to sweep an arm around the scientist's waist. With that position made she twisted once again to take him off his feet and put him on his back. To finish him she gave a shift kick to the temple to stun him. It was at that stage one of the egg heads had chosen to try and take her on swinging a lamp like a baton to try and hit her. ALria, ready for this ducked back and tilted her body deftly dodging the first swing, then teh second, and at teh third she reached out, grabbed his wrist and yanked him arm to her, stretching out his arm before making a hard swipe with her other arm, slamming her metal braced forearm into the man's elbow so hard that she broke his arm. Swiftly pulling back her striking hand she took a second swipe at teh scientist's head using her elbow. Strking him hard enough to make him drop. Thankfully to because he was just starting to scream in pain and that was not good for Alria's ears. From there she turned to the rest and said firmly, her previously soft voice going cold, [color=lightblue]"Surrender and stay down."[/color] Feeling those words were enough to get her point across. Then she turned to look and see if the Quarian was settled and he was in fact. Already working faithfully to accomplish his task. Now it was just a matter of making sure he stayed that way, so with her attention returning out into the room Alria drew her pistol and waited for any targets to get too close. If they did they'd be in for a swift and deadly surprise. As well as trying to maintain control over the scientists through fear of getting their arms broken like their friend.