---Ana Earth--- Ana stroked the top of her german shepards' head softly. The dog thumped his tail happily and snuggled deeper under the covers with his owner. Laughing, Ana began to weave a story from the dog's human like behavior. "You know, Kari, dogs don't tend to snuggle under covers. Thats more of a human thing... Hmmm, as if you were human, changed into a dog! Well, what did you do to get yourself transformed, huh?" she asked quietly. Kari just kept her head on Ana's chest, looking at her, then closing his eyes. "Was it a witch? An evil witch found you at your royal birth, you are a prince Kari! She cursed you to a little puppy and now you live your life as my pet. I guess things could've turned out worse for you. You should be lucky." The dog gave a small huff and settled back down. Ana sighed, dreaming of her dog as a prince. Not just any prince, but her prince. She could see the balls and beautiful gowns, people dancing. But, the only person she would focus on, is that faceless prince that had captured her heart. That is what made sundays so enjoyable. Her official day off, from farming and schooling. Having no plans until noon she could lounge around and let herself weave tales and stories. And maybe, if she was lucky, that tune that managed to escape her memory over and over would return, and she would sing and hum and dance as if she were a princess herself. The thoughts toyed in Ana's mind, and her heart hurt with longing. So, instead of letting it get to her, Ana shoved Kari gently off of her, and began her day. It was "shopping day" as her friends put it, and new spring clothes were a must. ---Evan Earth--- "Ninety five percent of oceans are undiscovered still, and you want to cut funding for the ocean exploration project?" Evan asked incredulously. Running his fingers through his dark shaggy hair, he paced the small office room as well as he could. The redness in his eyes and lack of a shave proved the stress in the situation. "Professor, this is a Marine Biology University. The thought of cutting material about Marine Biology is simply unimaginable. My father will pay you the extra fundings. How much do you need?" He asked, looking at the tall elderly man desperately. He shook his head sadly, "Evan, your father has helped us greatly over the past year, and its not a matter of just the funds. There are not enough students interested in the ocean exploration project in total. I'm sorry, there is no changing it." Sighing, the professor stood and took Evan by the shoulders and led him to the office door. Evan begrudgingly let himself be walked out. He barely noticed the people watching him as he walked back to his flat. Nothing in the world could stop him with his fascination of the sea, and if that meant doing it on his own, then he would do it on his own. ---------Winter castle, fairy tale world------- [img=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/802635-bigthumbnail.jpg]