"[color=0072bc]Come on, ol' Chugger! You heard Sgt Tusky, we are advancing to midranks![/color]"

Vella tapped Tiberius's armor from the side emthusiastically, before the Asari leaped out from the cover and rushed down to reach Aegon's position! She moved with a brisk, rapid step across the ruined and loose ground. Even though all the hostiles in the current zone were seemingly taken care of, she still held her weapon in a pose suggesting she was ready to snap it up at the next split second if the situation required it!

In her mind, she thought of how she had 'almost' not smuggled her weapons and armor past spaceport security. Fortunately her pessimistic side had won through, something she was glad for now as she was in the middle of a rolling battle!

"[color=00aeef]If this is the best Cerberus has to offer, then they are seriously overrated![/color]" Vella chuckeled as she made sure to pick a piece of cover that wouldn't just wither under the first high powered shot that hit it, ending up with picking an old, dusty heavy block of reinforced concrete that she crouched behind. 
Being almost seven feet tall herself didn't really help the whole "take cover!" sort of part of combat, however, it had made the Asari pretty good at squats, so that was one thing!

However, as the doors suddenly opened, and a new wave of Cerberus operatives and their robotic allies surged out, Vella's mood would change once more as she raised her rifle.

A dozen FENRIS mechs came leaping and bounding out towards them, accompanied by a large host of Cerberus operatives following closely behind!

To see a large force push through a narrow hallway could hint at something of a desperation or recklessness from the defenders. Vella had mostly dealt with pirates and criminals before the Reaper war, the cowardly type that preferred to skulk in every shadow and huddle in the corners if they ever lost ground. It was not until the Reaper war that she had witnessed aggressive wave tactics, and so the recent Cerberush rush did not come as as big a surprise.

"[color=00aeef]Pulse out![/color]" Vella suddenly called out to the rest of her team, as the Asari reached for an EMP grenade at her belt before tossing it towards the center of the incoming FENRIS mechs. Within a second, the EMP grenade detonated, releasing an electromagnetic pulse designed to fry circuits and electronics! Most of the FENRIS mechs were immediately hit by it, causing them to become dazed and sluggish. The lights on one of them faded as it slumped over, inactive, whilst another one froze up in its position, repeating a message: "Error. Error. Malfunctioning. Operations ceased. Please call Technical Support at +91 456 17 438!"

Due to their speed, some of the FENRIS had dodged the blast and were still rapidly approaching. Vella did not focus on them anymore, deciding to leave them for the Krogans.
Instead, the march of the approaching Guardians was her new concern. She had never faced them before, only read about how they supposedly laughed at all but the most high powered weaponry due to their shields. However, she had also read about their vulnerability to biotics, something she was keen to find out.

"[color=00aeef]Singularity out - Stand back![/color]" Vella called out as she pushed forward with one arm, as in front of three of the advancing Guardians, a black, blueish swirling hole suddenly emerged from out of nowhere! She could hear strained grunts from the Guardians as they struggled to hold onto their shields, one of them suddenly losing his as he was picked up and began floating up-side-down in the air, squirming about in confusion!

"[color=ed1c24]Holy shit![/color]" 

She suddenly heard the mechanically filtered voice of one of the Cerberus Troopers shout out, as she just noticed two live Grenades had also been caught by the Singularity; and were currently floating and bopping around it as well; some of the Troopers probably not having anticipated the sudden biotic phenomenon before tossing their grenades!

"[color=00aeef]Tough luck I guess.[/color]" Vella chuckled next to Aegon before her vision was completely obscured by the Centurion's smoke screen, and she lost sight of the advancing Cerberus party, only suddenly hearing a loud bang as the grenades went off behind the smoke!