[h2][center][color=92278f]Sicaria Velinian[/color][/center][/h2]
Sicaria, with little else to do at the moment besides occasionally prod a scientist to keep them down, took a brief moment to relax with her gun in hand.  It was at this moment that Alria told her that she was bleeding, earning a somewhat embarrassed reaction from the other Turian who wiped the blood from her face.  Unfortunately, the color had already set and stained the skin blue, meaning it would have to be washed out when the mission was complete, along with her gauntlet now.  [color=92278f]"Oh, that?  I'm fine, I just get nosebleeds under certain... erm, conditions."[/color]  If she looked closely enough, she would probably be able to make out the faintest hint of a blush underneath her facial tattoos.  With any luck, she wouldn't in that short time frame.  [color=92278f]"My name's Sicaria, I forgot to mention it earlier."[/color]  She turned back to the hall just as a door opened up, allowing a Centurion, five Assault Troopers, and a pair of FENRIS mechs to pour out of the gateway and attack.

The mechs attempted to charge the pair of Turians, though one seemed to malfunction partway through the run and tackle the other one to the ground.  Alria definitely made use of this to plug six shots into the robots indiscriminately, causing one to explode and disable the other.  Phalanx shot and disabled the Centurion while Ja'Far put an end to the movement of two of troopers, so that left two Troopers and the Centurion.  To Sicaria, this was child's play, especially now that a flash grenade had blown up in their faces, to which the Turian had shielded her eyes from with her hand.  It was now time for a little action on her end.

With a flash of her Omni-Tool, violet hardlight formed up around her upper body for some additional protection while she charged into the fray, shotgun raised and a malicious grin on her face.  The first victim to receive her wrath was one of the standing troopers, who had a literal faceful of buckshot given to him.  Needless to say, his head was now something short of a dark red stump bleeding onto the ground.  Next was the last of the Troopers that was slowly gaining his sight back, barrel stuffed into his chest and the trigger pulled, resulting in a baseball-sized hole that went almost clean through the armor and into the flesh, and out the back.  [color=92278f]"I won't be asking the Spirits to watch over any of you."[/color]  As he fell, the man's helmet came loose and rolled away as he hit the ground, though his killer was already attending to other business by then.

She popped a fresh thermal clip into the previously empty shotgun while she turned to Anderson, a knowing smirk plastered on her face.  [color=92278f]"Still have your doubts about me?"[/color]  A round was loaded into the Wraith's barrel with the same cock that had silenced the majority of the science-types moments ago, and she calmly made her way back to Rayes' defense.  She paid it no mind, but there was a dark red splatter on her armor from the chest she had hollowed out less than a minute ago.