Does anybody have any inspirations or ideas for art for an initial picture of the city? If a gracious Photoshop owner is willing to like...swap the Seattle Columbia Tower and the Space Needle (optional) into the middle of a bunch of farms (with a couple of apartment high rises clustered around the Columbia Tower {also optional but would be more realistic}). I really only need/want the one picture for the beginning of the RP, like most RPs seem to have. Would it be easier to swap in a bunch of farms around the Seattle cityscape? Oh, and I'd need like a pink forcefield-esque filter over the sky. Either that, or just take a zoomed out shot and put a translucent pink bubble over the city (not stopping for water?). I don't know if you'd expect RL money as payment, but I have a $10 iTunes gift card I haven't used yet. Could give you the code for that I suppose. :/