"Fine, fine." Shawn cracked a smile and faced Heidi, his right hand raised. "Scouts honor. I'll check in with the doc later." Her attitude towards his seemed almost familiar, but Shawn couldn't place a face. It was definitely motherly, and Shawn could remember his own mother, but it was the little details that escaped him. Refusing to worry about that, he continued on.

He didn't realize how many classes she and him shared. Maybe it was because he was normally too busy with school and training to really forge bonds with people, maybe it was just his forgetful self not realizing that he saw many faces in more than one class during the day. 

His eyes glanced at another clock. They were good on time. The period bell wouldn't ring for another ten minutes. More than enough time to get to class and get settled. 

Shawn hadn't spoken to Dr. McCoy since class the day before. Philosophy wasn't Shawn's favorite class, but it was a class that he had to take to fill time and get credits, so he put in maximum effort into it like he did everything else. 


Booker and Emma waved Bonny off. It was only afterwards that they spoke once more. 

"For a man who plans so far ahead to induct students into his team who just got here..." Emma drifted off, remembering the events of the day before.

"We're lucky everyone survived in one peace. We all made mistakes that day, and we're all learning from them. But I do think that Bonny will be a good help. She's not leader material, I don't think she sees it in herself, but either someone will stand up, or they'll put it to a vote. We're the safety net." Booker felt like he needed to remind Emma of everything. Surely one broken egg would teach them what not to do. When they finally set out on Emma's personal request, they should be a fully functional team. 

Emma laughed softly. "And Remy flew her here?" Glancing at Bonny's mind, she got the events from the day before. "You're a strange man. Maybe you should be spymaster instead of Sage."


Remembering certain faces and events when you forget all else is a pain that Logan knew. He didn't say anything about it, letting the girl ramble on, but He did remember those faces, the blood, all of the deaths that he caused. He knew all the little details of those events, forwards and backwards. 

His claws? For a second, he extended them fully before retracting them. As always, he felt a little something, but the pain had long since been numbed to his mind. 

"You're gonna wanna see Jean." He looked at Rosemary again. "Your mutation's all subconscious. But you can bring that stuff to the front of your mind with some training." He remembered Raven telling him and the others about Darwin, another mutant with an adaptation mutation. 

He was about to say something else, but the sound of another motorcycle could be heard in the distance. Whoever they were, they were moving awful fast in a school zone. Logan didn't pay them any mind, even when they arrived.

The motorcycle looked a lot like Logan's, but in better condition, and lacking the claw marks on the side. It's rider, who had stepped off the bike, removed their helmet to reveal a head of long black hair, paired with aged and cold eyes. 

She took a look at Logan, obviously wanting to say something to him or ask him, but she went on inside without a word. She only gave a glance to Rosemary. The teen was no one she remembered. 


Sage loved her future tech. From her glasses, she could monitor the classroom. Everything about Tatiana's posture and speaking was correct, even so good to force Kurt into taking a minute to prepare something himself. However, when the time came for him to speak, the bell rang, alerting the students that the period was now over. 

"Good job, Tatiana. You'll do excellent in the field one day." She spoke to the dhampir directly before addressing the class. "No Homeowrkd for today. Just go over everything in class. Tomorrow will be dedicated to acting."