[HIDER=Clayton] [B]Name:[/B] Hey there, I'm Clayton Dalee [B]Gender:[/B] In case you couldn't tell, Male [B]Age:[/B] 17 and a half [B]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://i60.tinypic.com/2egd2x3.jpg]Clayton[/URL] [B]Region of [u]Orre[/u]gin:[/B] Orre [B]City of Origin:[/B] Gateon Port [B]History:[/B] I was actually born in rough, tough Pyrite Town. I lived there up until I was about three so I don't remember much. We moved to Gateon Port because of my dad buying a boat there, we obviously couldn't use it out in the desert, so it was bye, bye Pyrite Town. My mom also says we moved because Pyrite was back to its old dirty self and the law force around there weren't the best, to say the least. In Gateon we moved close to the town 'gate'. About a year later by dad actually started up 'his own' delivery/postal business, despite the fact that he delivered for Makan (A senior who owns the Gateon Junk Shop), just delivering around Orre. I would always go with him just to see the region, we always seemed to have trouble getting through the desert too, until Makan and Perr (Makan's grandson) upgraded my dads truck, he made it hover. Yeah, badass. After about 5 or 6 years of just delivering in Orre my dad's business started to grow popular. Remember the boat that my dad bought, well he spruced it up and eventually turned it into a delivery ship. He named the boat Peliper's Quest, same as the company name, and started delivering to Kanto (and some other foreign lands that aren't as popular). Around this time he also started delivering Pokémon Cologne, miscellaneous furniture items, and much more. This is when I became intrigued about Pokémon, but my parents wouldn't allow me to have one because they said I was too 'mischievous', as if! I was just curious. On, about, my dad's third trip they brought back a Swinub ... by accident. The Swinub suck aboard the ship and anyway, long story short, I caught it. Soon after catching the Swinub, my dad started letting me go with him to various other regions for deliveries. I absolutely loved this and enjoyed it quite a bit. I seen new places, met new people, and encountered loads of Pokémon. I caught quite a few too, some I gave to my mom and stay at home as pets, but Swinub was the only one I took everywhere. I never really got into the trainer battling scene until a kid from Sinnoh moved to Gateon. He actually taught me how to battle and told me most of the basics, I started catching Pokémon to battle and that's when I decided to wanted to go to the Orre Trainer Academy. I want to become the best I can be, and also make new friends as well! [B]Personality:[/B] Hm, where do I even start? Um, I'm not commonly seen as a serious person, I'm pretty laid back but not lazy! One of the attributes that people say shines through most often is my calm demeanor, probably because I practically never panic. But, I guess because of this I'm not very cautious... I'll accept any challenge as long as it's actually possible. I don't battle like this, though, I'm actually a very careful battler because I don't want to hurt my Pokémon. I personally like instrumental music, mostly sea-faring music, probably because I'm from Gateon Port. I love puns and try to think of clever nickname puns for my Pokémon, but sometimes I just flop. I can also be fairly inconsiderate too, I don't realize it before It happens and than afterwards I feel kind of bad, but oh well. [B]Battle Theme:[/B] [youtube]axQggW17V6w[/youtube] [B]Etc:[/B] [U]Pokémon[/U] [B]Species:[/B] Piloswine [B]Nickname:[/B] Raider [B]Nickname Origin:[/B] Comes from Tusken Raiders riding Banthas in the Star Wars series, which I liked to compare to Swinub/Piloswine. Also, as [b]Tusk[/b]en has tusk in it I thought it was fairly clever... It also 'raided' my fathers boat so that's a little reasoning behind it as well. [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/piloswine.gif[/IMG] [B]History:[/B] Raider was the first Pokémon I actually caught by myself. Swinub aren't common in the Orre region ... usually. It just so happened that this particular one sneaked aboard my fathers ship, after some deliveries. Turns out the sailors couldn't find it and it was freezing the floors of the ship and injuries from slipping on ice were becoming all too common. I was young and mischievous so I stole one of my fathers Ultra Balls. Since I was smaller I could fit in and under smaller things, eventually I found it. I didn't have a Pokémon but I planned of catching it. I chucked the ball and since it was low-level it was fairly easy to catch. My dad let me keep it and it's been with me ever since. [B]Personality:[/B] This particular Piloswine is fairly laid back and he barely ever shows hatred or hostility, but when in battle he sure can be a formidable foe. Raider's a persistently sleepy Pokémon who's fairly clumsy outside of battle, which is part of his goofy nature and something that I love. He seems to take extra pride in his tusks. [B]Notable Moves:[/B] Take Down and Earthquake [B]Species:[/B] Magneton [B]Nickname:[/B] Tritan [B]Nickname Origin:[/B] Simple really, Tri, which means three because it's practically three Magnemite stuck together, plus Titan, Titan coming from the fact that the battle with him was extremely tough because Raider didn't known any Ground-type moves at the time. *It was originally just Titan [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/magneton.gif[/IMG] [B]History:[/B] Tritan was originally caught about 2 years ago when my father was taking a shipment of machine parts over to the Kanto region and so we stopped in Vermilion City. I ran to the area to the East, (Called a route in Kanto, weird right?) just to see the Pokémon that lived there. Turned out Magnemite's 'flocked' there from the Power Plant and I battled it with my Swinub, lots and lots of potions were used... In the end I caught it but it sure took a long, long time. [B]Personality:[/B] Tritan's actually fairly cold towards other Pokémon, this is probably due to the fact that it's often seen as emotionless and dumb, however that's very much not the truth. It's odd, though, because it seems to enjoy the presence of myself and other people rather than Pokémon. I'm still trying to 'crack' Tritan after all of these years. [B]Notable Moves:[/B] Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb, and Tri Attack [B]Species:[/B] Heracross [B]Nickname:[/B] Stagger [B]Nickname Origin:[/B] Stagger comes from the fighting term to stagger when weak (because of how low-level he was when caught) and comes from stag beetle. [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/heracross.gif[/IMG] [B]History:[/B]Stagger's actually my newest Pokémon, I found it in Agate Village a couple weeks ago when I was visiting my grandmother. A couple younger kids were with their grandparents and playing 'Tag'. Well, one of the kids ran in to a tree and hard. A few seconds afterwards, this Heracross fell out and started to attack the kids. Their grandparents sent out the only Pokémon they had with them but it failed to beat it, so I caught the opportunity (Which I actually considered nicknaming him, but it didn't roll off the tongue that well) and it didn't take long for Raider to weaken him. I caught him fairly easily, but he's also pretty low-level right now so I've been training him up. [B]Personality:[/B] Stagger's still warming up to me but he's actually fairly nice already. However he takes things very seriously, such as losing, and will stop at nothing to beat a challenge, like my Piloswine. He's sort of like me in that aspect, but he's not as laid-back. [B]Notable Moves:[/B] Aerial Ace, Brick Break, and Endure[/HIDER] I personally only RP straight characters because I'm garbage at roleplaying gay chars, nothing about being a homophobe or anything. I just don't do it well.