Name: Adrian Myers Age: 17 Picture (Realistic Preferred): [img][/img] He is about 6"9', a beast of a guy that easily towers most of the kids in the camp. He likes a tight orange camp shirt, showing on his buff body with a black jacket over it, black basketball shorts or under armor pants when wearing armor. His eyes are a dark brown, his right eye having a grey cast to it from a injury. The scar starts in the middle of the right side of his hair line, though his right eye, hitting the edge of the right side of his mouth, giving him a permanent scowl. It ends at his chin. The scar causes him to be a bit blind in his right eye. His right side is heavily scared and he has specially made metal armor to protect his right side better. Otherwise he wears the normal leather. His legs are just as strong as his upper body, giving him speed despite his size. Godly Parent: Ares Years at Camp: 5( I think...) Weaponry: a large sword and shield Fatal Flaw: blind in right eye Special Abilities: strength and ability to handle any weapon he touches Other (Background information, etc.): Basic rundown because I CBA to copy and paste and edit the background. At 12 years old he came to camp half blood. After winning his first fight there he was set apart as Are's son. He became one of the best fighters. When he was fifteen he went on his first quest. During which a monster caught him with one claw, effectively blinding him. He taught himself to fight with one eye. During the quest he grew to talking to Alexandra because she didn't back down when he fought her, gaining his respect. He is dating Alexandra, and she is really then only person that can effectively calm him down. He has a horrible temper and is angry most of the time at something. Around Alexandra is the only time he is a decent human being. Other then that he tends to think he is one of the best and has a large pride and isn't afraid to fight.