[i]Colaboration by Guardian Angel Haruki and Deadlyfairy[/i] [img]http://stat17.privet.ru/lr/09124e250ed21741fe9dc1cae809bd11[/img] Adam breathed heavily as he was marched towards the throne room. The knights beside him were clearly still terrified of Adam's fighting skills that they just bore witness to. He had just finished another 'test' today. A test to make sure that he was in top condition for body guarding the King and Prince Gustan. Adam was in his human form, but he was still covered in blood, and the shirt was in shreds, while his pants were still in condition. His heavy breathing sounded like growls even as a human, and that alone scared the two knights beside him. Soon they reached the throne room, and they marched up to the throne. Once they were standing in front, the knights jabbed Adam into bowing before the King and Prince Gustan. Of course, Adam managed to shoot a glare at Gustan before bowing, showing his hatred for the Prince. The knight spoke to the King "Your Highness. The Beast has passed the test again,". The other knight beside him quivered. Adam looked through his peripheral vision to see that the other knight who was staying silent, was trying to keep tears from falling. He remembered, his enemy that he had just killed was this knight's brother. He didn't care though, it was the knight's fault for deciding to fight in the arena today. That knight signed his own death sentence, to Adam's eyes. --- The day was less then great for Gustan as he was yet again dealing with stupid maidens that gave him no eccitement. HIs father still insisted on calling up that awful girl named Drizella. She was cute sure but she was more like a wild boar ready to attack then she was a lady. Her crybaby antics left room for Gustan to think of her as a baby boar. Gustan had spent the whole day arguing with his father over the matter. He had no taste for women that were too much like the Enchantress. Something more was needed besides jaws or a terrified demeanor. It seemed that he would be doomed to live his life alone..'A lonely handsom king forever' What a pitiful lot in life yet it would be romantic enough. Gustans day grew even better slowly with the news of Adam's next fight. Gustan spent his time trying to sneak into the areana the battle was held in but to no avail he was pushed out by his fathers guards without so much as a bow or a 'Your highness' from those scums. INstead of watching Adam die at the hands of a pathetic solder Gustan was cast out and left to wait as though he was a towns folk. How awful it was that his father had no intentioin of letting him see the gruel and awful fight he had been hoping to wittness for years. Sadly Gustan found himself in the throne room pacing back and forth like a impatient child. "The news will come soon enough boy. Stop your pacing," the gruff voice of the king stated. The mans eyes had been on Gustan since they gathered here. GUstan was so busy stomping about like a angered spoild brat that is was annoying to see. Gustan ignored his fathers voice and kept about his moping until the sound of the throne room door was opened. Gustans eyes shifted quickly and his feet picked up trailing right up to the door to meet the guards. His eyes full of curiosity and hope but once Gustans dark orbs spotted Adam still alive his feet stopped in place. Gustan's eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms. "Your Highness. The Beast has passed the test again," A feel of uneasyness filled Gustan at those words. "Well we can see that you imbisile. How did he win this time? He ripped out the mans throut?" Gustan growled. His eyes set on Adam who was glaring at him as well. Gustan lifted a hand and swiped it aiming for Adams face just to tant him. An evil smirk pulled at his lipss. "Gustan!!" the king roared. ------ The second knight quivered, hating that he had to answer Prince Gustan's question and recall seeing his brother's death, "Wo-Worse, Y-Your Highness. He-He smashed the kn-knight's skull to pi-pi-pieces with his own ha-ha-hands…" The knight then covered his mouth, trying to not let the sick feeling from the memory. Both knights watched in horror when Prince Gustan walked up to Adam and was about to strike him. Adam looked up to Prince Gustan when he walked up to him, and was about to swipe at him. Adam's animalistic instincts took over a bit as his lips pulled back in a snarl to show teeth sharper than a normal human's. He stood up quickly and caught Gustan's wrist in mid-swipe in his own right hand which was still sticky and red from the dead knight's blood. He stared at Gustan's dark orbs with his own eyes that showed more animal than human emotions now, and he growled at the Prince, "If I were you, I would listen to His Highness…boy," The word boy was spat out like it had left a bad taste in his maw. Adam oh so wanted to kill Prince Gustan, right there and then. But he knew better than to do that if he wanted to keep his own life. He wasn't quite ready to die yet. He then pressed his hand against Gustan's chest, and shoved him hard enough so he would trip backwards and fall on his behind. Honestly, it amused him to embarrass the Prince, even if he didn't laugh or show amusement at all. In all honesty, Gustan should be grateful that Adam didn't decide to kill him right then and there, and he should be counting his lucky stars that his father was around. -------- Gustan thought himself to be pretty smart and clever as his hand aimed for Adam but Adam had caught it in mid air. Gustans face turned red with anger but his eyes stayed on Adam who was more then angry as he held Gustans wrist. He could feel the pressure against his skin almost enough to break. The prince took a deep breath as his eyes grew a bit wide. "If I were you, I would listen to His Highness…boy," Adam replied with a venom like voice. The sing of it ringed in Gustans ears just before the Beast used his palms to shove Gustan backards. Gustan stumbled and his arms flailed about as he tried to catch himself with his feet but to no avail. The beast was too strong. Stronger then any mortal man sending the high horse prince tumbling backwards. Gustan was about to hit the floor with an oof but a pair of hands caught him. Gustan turned his eyes up to see his father shaking his head just before the king pushed Gustan in an upright position.