[hider=Ailiyah Lakefire]
[indent]Ailiyah Lakefire[/indent]
[indent]Ailiyah is a no bullshit kinda girl, straight forward and unafraid of the truth. She does like to embellish and decorate her speech with sarcasm around those she doesn't favor, but to the people she trusts, she is soft and kind and loving. Her hardened outside peels away and you see the caring mother she really is. She was once a sweeter person to just about anybody, but, well...civil war doesn't just change the political realm. It changes the people.[/indent]
Her husband's family heirloom she keeps close for good luck
Her claymore named [i]Adeirna[/i] after her mother[/indent]
[indent]She's especially skilled with long swords and daggers, carrying multiple of both types of blades on her at anyone time. She's also skilled in archery, as she loves to hunt big game, which also benefits her tracking ability[/indent]
[indent]She has a bad left knee, causing her to go to some trouble to conceal a slight limp. An experienced enemy might be able to spot it, especially after the battle has dragged on and she has multiple injuries. Ailiyah is also susceptible to her ego, causing her to become too cocky too quick in a fight. She lets the adrenaline go to her head and makes bad decisions, something she has suffered from before in the past (her bad knee). There's also her children, Jackal and Rhyne. Not many people know she even has the capacity to be a mother, let alone actually have kids of her own, but she does. They are her ultimate secret, her true motivators. She knows if the enemy finds out about them, it's a death sentence. But she keeps on fighting, because she knows it is her responsibility to carve a better world for them.[/indent]
[indent]+Her boys
+Big, fat swords, the ones almost too heavy to swing
+The old castle of the Alber's before the royal family was assassinated

-This goddamn war
-Needle knives and swords, silver little toothpicks meant to snap
-Public executions
-Unnecessary civilian carnage[/indent]
[indent]Ailiyah originally came from a poor immigrant family; her father was her merchant and her mother a seamstress, both working hard to raise their children. Ailiyah was raised like any common girl, learned how to kick, bite, and punch, but also how to act in front of noblemen. A lower-class nobleman fell in love with her blunt attitude and asked for her hand in marriage. She accepted, not knowing what would come of the union. She grew to love her new husband, but he soon lost what little money he had by the time Ailiyah was pregnant with her first child. The lower noblemen were all losing money to taxes; the Albers were salvaging what little fortune they had at the time. By the time Jackal was 3, Ailiyah found out she was pregnant again, right before the murder of the royal family. Her husband was killed fighting for one of the illegitimate heirs to the thrown as Rhyne was born. Tired of these wars between petty false kings, she joined with a group of fellow commoners and learned more about armed combat, including hunting. She worked her way up the ranks and is here now.[/indent]