[center][h3]Hugo, the Human[/h3][/center] A young man in a tan suit walked through the courtyard of Balbasorus Academy. He was, of course, completely out-of-place there. The nonhumans wandering about eyed him cautiously, but school rules kept them from causing him any trouble... And it was obvious that he wouldn't be there if he didn't have some sort of power. He placed his suitcase on the ground and turned his pipe upside down, giving it a few taps to dump the ash into the dirt, and he refilled and relit his pipe. He then retrieved his suitcase and continued on his merry way down a path towards one of the buildings. He approached the first person who didn't instinctively avoid him, armed with a single question. Entirely on accident, he phrased it with a simple rhyme, framing it with a short wave of his pipe in his free hand. [color=a187be]"I'm new, though I'm not sure about you. Which way is the dormitory?"[/color]