The bus shuffled along the path until finally it came to a stop with a low hum and a hiss, the smell of gasoline and engine wafting out into the air. Ritzy, who had been sleeping in her seat, rocked forward with the stopping of the bus, her forehead making contact with the seat in front of her. It was enough to wake her from her slumber, and she let out a soft curse as she rubbed her head with two fingers. She couldn't stay mad long, as she continued on, now rubbing her eyes to shake off the post-sleep grogginess, she looked out of the window to see that she had arrived at the academy. Ritzy couldn't leave her seat, her bag slung over her shoulder. Stepping out onto the Orre ground, she looked up, glancing up towards the academy, whistling sharply as she noticed the building, its establishments, and the number of students happily walking towards it, an assortment of Pokemon following, nipping at the heels or resting on shoulders or heads. Ritzy shook her head; she wasn't going to let one of her partners out, Ran would probably be too imposing, Zee wouldn't play nice, Nillie would probably melt, the poor girl, and Karo...well, she had just arrived and she didn't want to get expelled for one of Karo's little pranks. She trusted her partners, of course, but she didn't want to take any risks. After all, there was only one chance to make a first impression, and if hers was 'the girl with the unruly Pokemon', it wouldn't serve her true goal well at all. So, with a slight skip in her step, Ritzy followed the crowd into the gates of the academy properly. The first step on her way to international fame.