[color=a187be]"Are... You two related, by any chance?"[/color], Hugo inquired. The Headmistress and Ember looked surprisingly similar in his eyes. [hr] Raaawk, having finished his meal of freshly roasted goat, glanced down at the messenger bag slung across his belly. It was absolutely crammed full, with pockets bulging outwards. His family had packed a bit [i]too[/i] much - no doubt there were at least twelve different kinds of feather brushes in there. He gave the rough avian equivalent of a sigh, spurting flames through his nostrils, and flipped it open to find the piece of paperwork he was supposed to deliver on arrival. Some rummaging later and he found it. It was very slightly charred and a bit torn from claw work, but it was what he was looking for. The handwriting was rough, as though someone [i]extremely[/i] large had written it under a magnifying glass, but it was at least somewhat legible. [hider=The Letter] To Headmistress Neaera, of Balbasorus Academy, Our family has expanded once again, and as per our arrangements with your predecessor, we have sent our child to the Academy in the interest of teaching him the ways of the world. It is finally time for him to spread his wings and discover himself, as it had been when I was a drake. We apologize for suddenly dumping [illegible scribbling] on your academy with little to no warning, but we do not have access to phone or internet service in our colony in the Andes and could not send a message ahead of us. We would be greatly honored if your Academy would take in our youngest. Regards, [illegible scribbling - draconic perhaps, looks like it could possibly be a name and a family name] [/hider] Raaawk thumped over to the administrative building and stuffed the singed parchment into the letterbox with an extended claw. He would have to get his bearings after he unpacked and set up his 'room'. With the letter delivered, he turned and took to the skies again. The dormitory building was neatly marked out with spaces on the rooftop for avian monsters, and he picked an empty spot next to a small Roc nest. Rocs weren't particularly sociable or intelligent, so he wouldn't bother with making conversation.