[quote=@Cu Chulainn] So considering this does take place in the modern world, aside from the Channelers and the like, does that mean other pieces of fantasy exist? I.E would a backstory of being from a family of seafaring monster hunters make sense? [/quote] Yeah, unfortunately there won't be too much fantasy beyond the world of the channellers. But like Yuuta said, you can try to think of the closest real world equivalent to what you wanted. You can still be creative with real world places [quote=@Rin] Still working on getting my character sorted out, but her father's going to be an international adventurer archeologist and treasure hunter [s]who looks uncannily like Stardust Crusaders-era Joseph Joestar[/s] so... Hopefully those kind of things are okay otherwise it'll put a dent in [i]my[/i] plans as well. XD [/quote] Sure. Adventure archeologists are [i]unrealistic[/i] but they're not [i]impossible[/i]. Lawrence of Arabia was kinda like a real life Indiana Jones, after all. That's kinda what I was saying in the above comment, you don't have to be super realistic with the characters' backstories if you don't want, as long as they're internally consistent and are ultimately [i]technically[/i] possible in the real world, you can do whatever you want