[list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Natsuki Sumiko [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 15 [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Sumiko is a friendly, cheerful girl with a very outgoing personality. She enjoys meeting new people and making friends, and could even be described as rather aggressively friendly, eager to introduce herself to others. She believes that people can solve any kinds of problems if they can just get through to one another, and so naturally she wants to build relationships with everyone in order to ensure that it's easy to solve problems for others. Sumiko likes helping people and will go out of her way to do so, even if it's to her own detriment. Even if it seems nearly impossible. Even if that person is seemingly her enemy, she'll try to talk to them and see what's wrong. This cheery, friendly demeanor seems to be nearly unbreakable... nearly. While Sumiko is determined to try and talk out any problems, even those of her enemies, she also won't hesitate to fight and attempt to defeat them in order to get through to them. And if someone is [i]truly[/i] terrible, she'll try to beat them as hard as she can. Truly heinous acts can make her truly angry. In most cases, however, Sumiko is friendly and easygoing, just wanting to make friends and help people out. However, she has a bad habit of charging into things without thinking them through. Sumiko absolutely loves food, as well, eating a great deal more then anyone would ever expect she can pack away in her body. In fact, it seems almost impossible that anyone could eat as much as she does and still remain healthy, but somehow she manages this astounding feat. Perhaps she somehow stores it away somewhere inside her. Regardless, Sumiko loves good food and eats a huge amount of it. She claims this recharges her energy. She also has a strong sense of justice, refusing to allow innocent people to get hurt. [*][u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u] From an early age, Sumiko loved stories of heroes. She loved hearing about justice, about the people who fought for the innocent, to protect others. Sumiko wanted to help people like that. To help everyone, everyone she could. Even people who called themselves villains, if she could. Growing up, she constantly volunteered to help people, constantly jumped to the defense of people being bullied, and generally tried as hard as she could to be a hero like she wanted to be. To help people in need. However, this often got her in trouble, or even bullied herself. In spite of all of this, she wanted to keep helping anyone she could. Even the bullies when it came down to it. When her abilities awakened she was overjoyed. Now, she wants to be the best hero she can be. [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [url=https://safebooru.org//images/2099/5d7919187b5e90ab1a29ed3fc3dfaadf8ae63fb2.png?2189015]"Oh, did you want one? Uhhh, do you mind that I already took bites out of both?"[/url] She's about average height for her age and ethnicity. [*][u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] Sumiko doesn't carry anything out of the ordinary for a schoolgirl. [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Sumiko isn't exceptionally athletic but she does decently well enough, and can fight remarkably well in hand to hand with an unpredictable amateur style featuring a lot of kicks and punches. She's actually quite a good cook when it comes to Japanese food, as well. [*][u][b]Channeller category:[/b][/u] Augmentor [*][u][b]Description of power:[/b][/u] [u]Star Shiner[/u] - Sumiko has a baseline amount of energy, which she usually splits evenly between her four limbs. This results in twenty-five percent of her energy being in each of her arms and legs, increasing her strength greatly and causing each of them to glow slightly when in a fight. However, she can divert this energy to enhance any of the limbs' strikes more, producing much more powerful strikes and a more brilliant, flame-like aura around the limb being enhanced. Without any other augmentation, she can shunt a hundred percent of her energy into one limb for an attack. However, she has some abilities that allow her to do more then this, and she may learn even more. [*][u][b]Names/descriptions of moves:[/b][/u] [list][*][u]Star Igniter![/u] - Sumiko's basic ability to channel energy into her limbs. [*][u]Stellar Impact Punch/Kick![/u] - Sumiko increases the amount of energy in her fist or foot at the expense of her other limbs, up to fifty percent. [*][u]Super Stellar Impact Punch/Kick!![/u] - Sumiko goes up to seventy-five percent in one limb, increasing her strength further, but only for that one limb and at the expense of more energy for one or more of her other limbs. [*][u]Meteor Justice ~ Supernova Buster!!![/u] - Sumiko focuses all her energy into her fist, causing it to ignite like a star. On impact, it erupts into a small explosion. [*][u]Starburst Overdrive[/u] - Sumiko temporarily breaks her limits and manages to channel a hundred percent into all four limbs. Her entire body blazes like a star while she does this, but it's extremely exhausting to the point of collapse.[/list] [*][u][b]Character theme song:[/b][/u] [url=https://youtu.be/S4ekO1SlX5o]Emotional Skyscraper~[/url][url=https://youtu.be/AT1baS9a4nE]Cosmic Heart[/url] [*][u][b]Other:[/b][/u] N/A[/list]