[@VitaVitaAR] Mako had lowered her intimidation as much as she possibly could, but she knew that even that wouldn't help Clarabelle open up a little. Mako sat down on the grass besides Clarabelle, and turned and smiled at her, her eyes actually opening. They were brown and dull, yet kind and sincere. "Honestly, so do I. There's nothing I like more than teaching. It's good to get some fresh air and exercise once in a while, though. I noticed that your room was full of dolls. Do you like dolls, Clarabelle?" she asked with the unintrusive tones of a teacher. She took a little moment to look around. There was the odd familiar face amonst students, but also a few new kids, and they all seemed like they were going to be a loud and boisterous mixture. Mako was looking forward to making good students out of this lot. She relished a challenge, and the journey of achieving said challenge what what she lived for. Whenever she sees a child misbehave but before she does anything about it, that feeling is even better than the feeling of seeing the fruits of her labour pay off. The latter just wouldn't feel as gratifying without the former. She was currently trying to work out who would be a good student and who a bad one, but she knows it's not always as easy as loud=good, quiet=bad. It all depended on the individual. [@Western Robot] She spotted one of her fellow teachers approaching her; Dr. Shin Maxwell. She had high opinions of him from an academic perspective, but as she taught a core subject and he taught an elective, they didn't speak very much apart from in her first year on the job where he helped her learn the ropes and get to know the institute. Still, as you had to pass her class to be able to take his, that made him her superior in a strange way. Well, that and him being older, more qualified and working there longer. She grinned, and pondered her question. Both Shin and Clarabelle might notice that they way she spoke to them both was very different. She was a kind teacher to Clarabelle, but an informal, chummy colleague to Shin. "It's far too early to tell who's promising in an academic sense, but some of the louder ones look like they're gonna create a lot of fun moments. What about you, Shin? What's your conclusion?" [@Azereiah] And then there was Daler. Also a staff member. She didn't dislike him but...they'd never talked. Maybe they'd have a lot in common. He was the detention counsellor, and a fair few students in her class had voluntarily put themselves in detention rather than get her angry. That was their entire relationship until now. "I know!" She replied. "That can only mean good things for the future of the institute, and they're a lively bunch, too!"