[hr][center][h2][color=92278f]Daler Ghumman[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Daler perked up and opened his eyes again when he heard Freyja's thoughts towards him. That woman [i]always[/i] managed to snap him out of a nap, to his great annoyance, but at least she meant well by it. It was a stroke of luck that Freyja's tone of thinking pulled him out of his nap, as the typically empty-headed Alexei showed up shortly after with his usual booming voice. Daler would have fallen out of his golf cart if he hadn't already woken back up. It felt like the man only thought when he spoke more often than not, though Daler was sure that was just because he wasn't listening hard enough. [color=92278f]"Good to see you, Alexei, Freyja. I was wondering when you two would show up,"[/color] the old telepath said voicelessly to the gathering of staff members. [color=92278f]"Just the usual introductions. Nothing big has happened, but I'd keep my eye on the crowd if I were you. There's a spark in the air."[/color] A short glance towards Clarabelle, whom he hadn't noticed before, told him all he needed to know about the girl Mako was chaperoning. There was some variant of deep feeling of neglect present, but Daler was certain that Mako could handle it at the moment. Otherwise, he'd simply have to wait for Mako to ask for his help - or for Clarabelle to come to him herself. Nonintervention was his 'thing' for the past few years, and he wasn't about to give that up unless absolutely necessary. [@Mercurial][@Hammerman][@Silver Carrot][@Western Robot] [hr][center][h2][color=f26522]Brock Van de Vate[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Brock put on his best smile and nodded to Natsuki. She would [i]definitely[/i] be a good [s]peon[/s] ally. [color=f26522]"In that case, would you like to be my friend? Haven't really met anyone else here yet and you seem really cool."[/color] He was noticeably ignoring the entire rest of the crowd. [@VitaVitaAR] [hr][center][h2][color=00aeef]Jonathan Walker[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Hondo and Ryuuto both seemed to be present, and Jonathan made a mental note to say hello to both of them properly after the ceremony. In the meantime, he figured the introductions were quieting down enough to try to get to know the girl with the bat. He didn't quite know why, but she seemed like someone he'd like - especially given her almost excessive enthusiasm and her introductory speech. The year hadn't really started yet, but it'd be a good chance to fill up his study group, so he approached her with a greeting in mind. It wasn't the best thought out one. Counselor Daler, across the lawn, found himself bewitched by the stunning display of stupidity he was hearing. It was like watching a train wreck in progress to the old man. [color=00aeef]"Hey, uh... Would you be up for swinging by my dorm later for some hot coffee?"[/color] [@tipssyCalibrator]