[h1][center][color=papayawhip]Lord Yuki Blakesly Hisakawa[/color][/center][/h1] Today was the day. The first day Yuki was going to finally be a teacher at the Institute. The thought of teaching the younger generation (a generation he's still part of, although he didn't think too much of it) filled Yuki with excitement. He began to think of the many artistic talents some of these students may have. Perhaps the most of them would be interested being a part of his Art Club! Of course, he'd have to ask if any of the students are interested after the orientation. How could he advise a club if he doesn't even have a president, after all? Yuki had set up his classroom the day before, and today, he has returned from one of his art exhibitions. He had already been acquainted with the other staff members, and today, Yuki felt a bit mischievous. He figured since, while his name was quite famous, his likeness really wasn't known to anyone who didn't know him, so he could pose as a student, at least for the time being. Yuki approached the group of youths as he listened in on the awkward faux pas said by one of the bigger students to the currently relaxed looking female student. and cue the appropriate sound effect. After the big wallop, Yuki approached Johnathan, raising a hand. He should defuse the situation before it gets any serious, after all. [color=papayawhip]"I would love to have some hot coffee with you,"[/color] the slender, young figure had replied with a gentle, but elegant sounding voice, a hint of British in their accent. [color=papayawhip]"Although if it's fine with you, I'd much prefer a cup of tea."[/color] [@Azereiah]