[color=007236][b][h3]Alexei Pavlov[/h3][/b][/color] This conundrum was starting to confuse Alexei. Johnathan claimed it was his fault, though Alexei wasn't entirely sure if he actually meant he had done something wrong. The girl seemed adamant he had made a pass at her, and if that was true, it would be less than pleasing. The consensus seemed to be that it was a misunderstanding though, and Alexei was inclined to agree. After all, Johnathan was not a new student, and he knew he wasn't a bad kid. [color=007236][b]"Yes, that sounds fair."[/b][/color] He said in regards to Natsuki's suggestion. [color=007236][b]"Let's go over to him and clear this all up, yes? I assure you, if he truly has perverted intentions, we will take action accordingly."[/b][/color] Looking over to where John had gone, he remembered that Yuki Hisakawa was there, showing a strange amount of favor towards him. It was true that Yuki was now a staff member too, but it made Alexei wonder for a moment as to why he was sticking to John like glue. Maybe he just wanted to console the assault victim? [@tipssyCalibrator] [@VitaVitaAR] ---- [b][h3][color=f49ac2]Yasu Hirabayashi[/color][/h3][/b] Yasu had to admit that this school was proving to be more interesting than she first expected. It was just the first damn day, and already someone had punched someone else. Maybe the students here would prove to be more than just a pack of bland every-persons? Yasu had no idea what had started this, but it was entertaining nonetheless. It was just too bad that half of everyone, including that big Russian lug that brought her here, had intervened to stop it from getting more interesting. It looked like the one that got punched didn't care to fight back anyway, which was lame. It seemed the excitement wouldn't last forever. But as far as stupidity went, it seemed it was still in ample supply. The twit that Yasu had pointed over to the crowd was now yelling again, demanding that someone tell him where to find the institute. The hilarious part was that nobody seemed to be paying any attention to him.[color=f49ac2][b] "Hey, buddy..."[/b][/color] She said to him in a less than sincere tone. [color=f49ac2][b]"Why don't you try yelling even louder? Maybe this time someone will pretend to give a toss."[/b][/color] [@Cu Chulainn]