[h1][color=lightblue][center] Daisuke Kanzaki[/center][/color][/h1] [@Mercurial][@Cu Chulainn] [hr] Daisuke had finally arrived at the place, albeit a bit late since he had no map, but who needs a shitty map if you memorize (or try to) the way. Covered in branches and dirt from where he got lost Daisuke guessed that it was a bad idea coming here in a black suit, but he had to make a good first impression to his classmates and teachers. There was certainly a tense competition for the number one fighter in the school, some were already fighting over it, or at least that's what he deducted from seeing from afar. Looking around he came into the realization that surely the building​ for the institution should be nearby where they are, yet he doesn't see it where he is nor he saw it when he was wandering in the forest. He couldn't ask the teachers since he would look like an idiot if he asked. Just a few seconds after that someone yelled where the hell the institute was, the phrase “Great minds think alike, small minds rarely differ” entered his mind as he casually approached the man, hoping to overhear the answer. Unfortunately for both of them no one answered their question as everyone seemed absorbed on their own thing, except some girl who mocked the guy. After that mockery it dawned on Daisuke that no one would care to answer one idiot question, but they would be more likely to answer a question two idiots have. Staying with his doubt of the location of the institution wasn't acceptable and despite Daisuke disregard for other people, he couldn't just expect to know the answer about things without asking, at least until he becomes the number one at everything. Approaching the guy and girl he spoke to her first “I care, primarily because I don't know the answer too” before turning his face to the man “I'll help you find your answer​, not because I want to help you or anything like that, but because if I am to become the best I mustn't have any doubts on my mind”