[h2]Natsuki Sumiko, Starblazer[/h2] "Ooooh, this must be about the language of flowers, right?" Sumiko looked the book over. It must have been either brand new or very well-taken care of, as it didn't look like it had even been opened once before now. The language of flowers wasn't a subject the energetic girl was too familiar with. She knew some of the basics, like how cherry blossoms meant kindness and gentleness, clovers were obviously luck, and cactus... well, the meaning of cactus flowers was really embarrassing but she still knew about it! Regardless, it was pretty interesting. It seemed like it would be fun to talk about, too! "I don't know too much about that sort of thing, but it seems really interesting!" the brunette cheerily continued, giving the shy girl a bright grin as she did. Sumiko hoped she wasn't scaring the girl or anything like that, but she really did think that she looked like she needed someone to talk to! She just hoped that she hadn't come on too strongly and intimidated her, but it looked like everything was going fine! "My name is Natsuki Sumiko, what's yours?" [@tipssyCalibrator]