[hr][center][h2][color=92278f]Daler Ghumman[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Daler fell out of his seat sideways when Mako sent a thought his way. It was like a damn megaphone in his ear. People [i]always[/i] focused too hard on their first try, but that didn't stop it from being any less [i]incredibly surprising[/i] and [i]unpleasant[/i]. Daller irritably snapped a thought back at Mako. [h3][color=92278f][b]"This is how loud you were just then!"[/b][/color][/h3] When he'd pulled himself back upright, it hit him that he was being a grumpy jerk again, and he followed up with an apologetic and much softer voice. [color=92278f]"...Sorry. Sunlight and waiting bother me, so I'm a little bit out of it right now. Could you please concentrate a bit less when you're talking to me?"[/color], he thought. He felt pretty bad about 'shouting' at the young woman. She didn't know any better -- it wasn't like there were any textbooks or articles on telepaths out there, after all. On a more cheerful note, it seemed that the event was finally starting up. Perhaps he'd be able to go back to his office for a calmer meeting soon. [@Silver Carrot]