May awkwardly sat atop an uncomfortable branch of a large tree. It may not have been cozy, but it served the purpose of staying out of sight. As she relaxed against its trunk, May reflected on the events prior. She was trying to make sense of it all, but that didn't seem to be working out too well for her. The first thing she remembered was being shaken awake only to see unfamiliar faces. As alarmed as she was to wake up to that, it paled in comparison to the shock that set in when she noticed they were naked. Immediately, she tried to move away and, as she did, she noticed a warmth beneath her in stark contrast to the coolness over the rest of her body. May recalled the horror she felt when she realized she was also bare. In her startled but groggy daze, she tried to cover herself, but it didn't do much at that point. Everyone was the same. Despite May's weariness, the group was kind and understanding. They explained they had similar reactions as well and asked if she remembered anything about how they get there. To their dissappointment, she didn't. She tried to keep up with their conversation, but they seemed far more awake than she did. Her brain felt strange and cloudy. Once May was more with it, four of them made way out of the strange clearing. It was only as they were exiting that small red head had gotten a good look at her surroundings. There were bizarre circles all around, like the one she had woken up in, and stones with unfamiliar symbols. The whole thing made her very uncomfortable. All she could think of was ritual sacrifice. As they made their way through the forest, they stumbled upon another clearing with a similar set up as theirs, except this one had a large blood stain in the grass. As one of the men bent down to exam it, they heard a growl. Before they had the chance to even attempt to locate the source, a strange creature was on the man, attacking him viciously. Immediately, May took off running- the other two not far behind. May was not the quickest of the three, but she was by far the most nimble. While she effortlessly darted around trees and hopped over roots, the woman in front of her tripped. The man behind them stopped help her up. May kept going. May was not aware that she had such a drive to live until that moment. Nothing else mattered in that moment. Not the people, not the lack of clothing, not how she got there. May pondered about if was possible that the man stopped to help because they had known each other previous to this. Regardless, no good deed goes unpunished. Moments later, they were stuck down by the strange animal. Or so she thinks. She didn't exactly turn around to make sure. However, once she thought she put enough distance between her and the beast, she found a low hanging branch of a tall tree and decided to climb it. She climbed as high as she deemed necessary to stay out of reach and out of sight. Still and hardly breathing, May waited for the creature to pass by, but it never did. May wasn't sure if it gave up on chasing her or if it was lying in wait for her too. At least an hour had passed without any change, and the sun was starting to set. So, now May was just sitting in a tree naked, stranded, and feeling as though she were staring in some awful B flick horror movie she had seen a long time ago. She vaguely recalled that the girl died in the end. In spite of everything she experienced, May hoped her fate had a more pleasant resolve. As the night crept in, May shifted uncomfortably on her wooden throne. Despite no longer being afraid of heights, May wanted to be on the ground again. She felt like a prisoner and ached to be free to roam and seek answers to the dozens of questions she harbored. It wasn't until an yellow-orange glow caught her eye that she felt some sort of relief about her situation. Maybe there were people and maybe they could help. May used her vantage point to attempt to see who was there, however, all she could see was that they were near water. Hesitant, the small girl lowered herself branch to branch until she had descended to the soft ground. She ignored the scrapes and dirt she acquired from her time in the tree in favor of following the glow. After a bit of a walk, she happened upon a group of also naked people trying to cook something rather large over a fire. She stayed back a little and hid behind a tree when she noticed another man approach with some fish. Peering from around its trunk, she watched the group, hoping to feel them out before approaching. With her luck, they'd end up being her captors who were trying to force people into joining their nudist cult.