Rather than just magically appear walking across an empty field in the middle of nowhere, Ezekiel Williams was rather more sensically driven there. This wasn't happening of his own free will, however. As far as he was concerned he was simply being transported to some grand new juvie project, someplace where they might make the best out of dangerous kids without getting the police involved. He had no idea he was being taken to a literal magical school, and for good reason, since neither him nor his family would've taken to the whole idea of a parallel society well. Who the crap would just buy into that comic book shit? So there he was, being driven to the first day of the rest of his life out by the boonies by two stone-faced, suited up spooks who weren't exactly given the gift of the gab. The whole situation made him tense and defensive. Where the crap were they taking him and what had he done that was so bad? He didn't deserve to get dumped with the arsonists, the pushers and junkies and the kids who cut and shot people. On the other hand, maybe he had gone a bit overboard on the whole fighting thing. The rush was just something else, and he wanted to do it for the rest of his life. He kinda wanted to do it then and there, truth be told. Zeke's mind drifted along these lines until the car came up to what looked like some sort of weirdo hippy gathering thing. He'd seen something on TV about one of them or another. Without much ceremony, his handlers got him off the car, gave him his two bags and told him to join the rest. "Everything will be clear shortly", they said as they walked back into the vehicle and drove off. Oh yeah, how could this whole thing possibly go wrong? Grunting and in high alert, Zeke picked his things up and strolled through the crowd, taking the people in. This sure didn't look like no juvie crowd. Most of these kids looked like they might cry at a gym. And then, as his attention was drawn towards what was clearly some sort of important ceremony, some butt naked guy in a mask came up and puked on the lady's shoes. Amid the relatively quiet atmosphere of shock and disgust, Zeke's reaction boomed out quite clearly: "Dahahahahahaha it's like I never left home!", he burst out loud, laughing heartily at the woman getting embarrased right on center stage. "Oooh, that was some funny shit, is this what this is gonna be like all the time?", he asked to no one in particular.