Gemma didn't know where she was, who any of these people were, nor why the ground was so warm beneath her feet as she ran. She just knew she had to keep going. She tripped over a root and went down. A girl about her age flew past without stopping. One of the men bent to help her and together they ran again. Before long the creature caught up with them and tackled the man to the ground. Gemma turned to help him and caught a glimpse of something she had never encountered before. It looked like a panther with reptile-like parts and before she could make heads or tails of it the man screamed at her to run. She didn't want to leave him but spotted another creature closing in, blood smeared over its mouth. Gritting her teeth, she took off in the same direction as the girl. What was going on? Where were they? How did she get here? Did someone slip something into her drink last night? What were those circles? Questions upon questions flew through her mind as her feet carried her forward. She slowed down when she could run no longer, her chest heaving. Gemma spotted the other girls tracks and followed them. It was getting dark and she'd be in the trouble if she didn't find anyone soon. Those creatures could be behind her as well. As she walked she saw a light in the distance and thinking she had nothing to lose, she followed it. To her surprise, the girl who had run ahead was crouching beside a tree, watching a group cooking something on a campfire. She approached her slowly. "Oi. That's some cheek you have, leaving me behind there." She smiled, somewhat apprehensively but warm nonetheless, and held her hand out in greeting. "I'm Gemma."