May spun around, wide eyed, at the sound of a familiar voice. "" she began to asked, mouth agape. However, she realized that now might not be the best time and asking felt like admitting to her cowardess. Quickly, she glanced back to the group around the fire. To her relief, they hadn't seemed to hear Gemma's voice. Standing up, May shifted uncomfortably. She had just left this poor girl for dead not long ago. Why was she being so nice? Also, did she not realize May was trying to be discreet? "May." She whispered hesitantly before shaking the other girl's hand. Her gaze shifted back to the group. They seemed to be talking among themselves while cutting open some fish. It put May at ease to see them fully involved in their activities. "So," May started in a hushed tone as she looked back to Gemma. She hoped the other red head would follow suit. "What do you think of these guys? Do you think we can trust them?"