While Ysran cleaned the fish, Sasha skewered them and placed them gingerly over the fire to cook. As he got the last batch hung up, he noticed that their firewood was starting to run dangerously low. He'd have to go search the treeline for more. "I'll be right back," He said to the others, and turned to head off into the darkness that enveloped them. He went along the trees, picking up fallen branches and cursing under his breath each time his bare feet got jabbed by a rock or stick. He was used to being strapped into army boots, and his pale, callousless feet showed proof of that. He grumbled softly as he felt the prick of a thorn, and stopped to lean on a tree to pick it out. That was when he heard the subtle shift just beyond the trees. The rustle of leaves, much like the one he'd heard before that animal had tried to attack him. Sasha perked up, shifting the wood to one arm and picking out a particularly thick branch in case it was time for round two. He narrowed his eyes as he glared into the darkness. He could barely just make out the shape of someone, or something, huddling behind a bushy bramble. "Who's there?" He asked in a low, dangerous tone. If it was a threat, he was more than prepared to deal with it accordingly, probably by beating the shit out of it.