[color=green][b]ASA[/b][/color] "No, weapons are allowed. Just don't kill each other with them...[i]obviously[/i]..." Asa said to the small kid in the panda outfit, muttering the last part under her breath. If Asa saw anything at all that looked like it would cause death, she would have to step in Asa then walked up close to the arena and held her hand up. "3...2...1...START!" Asa shouted as she threw her hand down, signalling the start of the round [color=orange][b]AKIKO[/b][/color] Less than a second after Asa shouted start, Akiko immediately took off and made a beeline for the opponent's flag. Due to either her confidence or stupidity, she was just simply running in a straight line and not even making her direction hard to predict. Just run in, take the flag, run out without anyone catching you. This was gonna be easy as hell, she was thinking as she made her first few steps over to the opponent's side