[i]"More people..." Horace sighed, he hadn't intended to say it out loud but his general level of overwhelming disappointment over rode his ability to retain his silence. Sasha and Ysran were both productive members of the group, but the other two girls were so far seeming like drains on whatever resources they could gather and now here were TWO MORE girls. When things settled down and the girls were asked to join the group I set the stick back into the fire and decided to head out for some more fire wood. We would need it for the night to come. It didn't take long to gather up an armful and return making a total of three trips, one of which was spent on dragging back a good size long as thick around as my thigh and about as long as I was tall. I figured it would burn for the night. Horace watched the others eat as he went about gathering sticks before stopping to join them as well. "We need to consider sleeping close to each other," I said after a while. It was hard enough to bring up, but it was important that he did. "Darkness will hit us in another hour, its going to get colder and colder until morning. If we don't huddle up some of us might catch a cold and that out here can be the death of anyone. We will also need someone keeping a lookout. If there is a chance that there are more of those half cat half lizard things out there we need to be prepared and watchful at night. We could even sharpen some sturdy long sticks into spears before sun down." He looked at them all one by one and then at their surroundings. Tommorrow the most important thing to find would be shelter. Meat would still last them a while and he considered smoking some of the fish so that they would last until tomorrow night leaving them free to explore. Once they find a proper shelter then they can start looking for a more reliable source of food. "My name is Horace Alexander," he said after the thought crossed his mind that the people did not know who he was.[/i]