[i]"Well, should we take shifts? Or does one of us need to become nocturnal? I can stay up for quite a while, but even I have my limits. Keeping watch in shifts is likely our best bet."[/i] He then remembered that they needed warmth as well, otherwise the cold may kill them off. [i]"Perhaps the one keeping a lookout could also tend to the fire. It would keep us warm enough during the night, so long as it's well kept. I do suppose that means that you'll have to find more wood as well. Luckily the log Horace brought will likely burn for quite some time, so we might not need to worry about it tonight. As for food, as long as we're near water, we could likely catch some fish, but with so many of us, we'll need more than that. And I doubt we'll be finding a constant supply of those little berries. So, what do you guys think? Any suggestions? I could take first shift."[/i]