[color=f49ac2][b][h3]Yasu Hirabayashi[/h3][/b][/color] As the fun began, it seemed like a lot of people started charging straight forward. Yasu had never been much for charging straight in; she preferred to take the subtle approach to her fun. Keeping a close watch, she saw her squad-mates pick their targets and engage with them. Amazingly, Bradley actually made himself useful and landed a hit on violence girl. She didn't pay too close attention, as she was looking for someone to engage personally. Eventually, an opportunity presented itself; one girl from the opposition started racing towards them, clearly fueled by some power or another. Taking advantage of her position in the middle, Yasu moved directly between the girl and her destination. Then she unleashed a crackling brace of electricity from her hands. It didn't travel very far, but it didn't need to; Yasu was planning for this to either stop the girl's advance or see her crash right into the middle of her electric field with her momentum. [@VitaVitaAR]