May had taken a step back when they heard a man shout at them. They were caught and May was at a loss of what to do. It took everything in her not to run in the other direction. In this case, it was a good thing she hadn't. These people didn't try think hurt them and instead offered them food. While settling into a spot by the fire, May made a deliberate decision to sit next to Gemma. Despite everything that had happened between them, Gemma seemed to be a trustworthy person and had treated May very kindly. Sheven made a mental note to thank her for that later and apologize about ditching her. When the idea of curling up together was brought up, May grimaced. It made her nervous enough to have these men see her naked, despite her best efforts to cover her chest with her arm as she sat. She really didn't like this idea of sleeping next to them or leaving herself in such a vulnerable state with those creatures roaming about. "I'm May." The red head added after Horace introduced himself. She gave a weak smile as she tried to push away her anxiety. "Also...thank you guys for the food. Ysran's comment about their need for future food, May wondered whether or not she would be of much use to the group. She felt a need to repay them for their kindness and worried that her current skill set was not necessarily made for life in the outdoors. She could climb and fit into small spaces, but she wasn't sure how helpful those things would prove to be. It was certainly going to be a learning process and she hoped they would be patient with her. "I can take first shift if you want to sleep for a little bit," May offered. "Or, I can stay up with you. I just really don't think I'll be able to fall again asleep any time soon, so I'll probably be up for a bit regardless."