Sasha tore at the meat on his skewer while he made enough to pass around to everyone else. It wasn't bad. The best comparison was that one time he ate goat in Brazil. It was gamey, but he was too hungry to care. Sasha tried to get the portions as equal as he could and passed them around with a handful of the fruits that they had collected. When everyone had one, Sasha sat down to work on his own. He was quiet as the others talked about taking watch shifts and huddling for warmth. It reminded him of a time that he and his unit had been stranded in Siberia by a massive snow storm. They had been blocked into their safehouse for a week, no electricity and the pipes frozen over. God, that had been miserable. "I'll take second watch if you want to wake me up," He offered. When he finished his meal, Sasha got up to poke around the tree line again. He brought back a big armful of leaves and deal foliage and spread it on the ground before going back for more. He made a softer place to lay, so that they wouldn't have rocks jabbing into them all night. When he was done, and the spot looked big enough to sleep several people, he took his place and laid down. Sasha, surprisingly didn't have much trouble falling asleep. He'd learned over the course of the years to sleep where and when he could, even if that was in a muddy ditch with bomb fire all around him. He laid down on his side, his head rested on one arm, and before an hour had passed, he was out.